Dig around and find out.
Due the smaller number of incidents and breaches reported to us from NAICS 21 and 22, we have to dig deep (pun intended) at times to have a statistically relevant population. Even so, because of the smaller sample size we are sometimes still forced to use ranges rather than definite percentages. However, as both these sections are considered critical infrastructure and are not too dissimilar, we do our best to find useful and interesting nuggets where we can. Are you a member of these industries? If so, please consider becoming a DBIR contributor to help us provide more useful analysis.
The number one pattern this year is System Intrusion. If you have been reading the other sections, you will know that this in no way makes those in this vertical the Lone Ranger. As stated in the patterns section, the System Intrusion pattern is made up of more complex, multistep attacks as opposed to the “get in, grab the loot and scram” type of attacks. Specifically, most ransomware attacks fall into System Intrusion, and approximately one out of three breaches (32%) in this industry were ransomware attacks (Figure 57). Given the high rate of success of ransomware (along with the fact that attackers often take data before they encrypt it, and they do love to post it on their leak sites), seeing so much of it in critical infrastructure verticals is a matter for concern.