Voice Services

Section III


Voice Services Features and Feature Packages


III.         Voice Services offers the features described below.  Customers of Voice Services must subscribe to one or more of four Feature Options, as described herein.  Each of the four Feature Options is characterized by Base Features, which all Customers of that Feature Option receive and for which they are responsible for all associated charges.  Additional features are also available as part of a Combined Feature Package or on an a la carte basis.  Each Customer is responsible for:  (1) the charges associated with the Base Features for the Feature Option which it has chosen; (2) the charges associated with the Combined Feature Package(s) which it has chosen, if any; (3) the charges associated with the individual features within the Combined Feature Package(s) which it has chosen, if any; and (4) the charges associated with individual a la carte features it has chosen, if any.








Feature Option 1:  Feature Option 1 offers inbound and outbound service.


·                     Base Features:                                    Monthly Recurring Charge                      $     0.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                                  0.00


·                     Combined Feature Package:               Monthly Recurring Charge                           50.00 per toll free number

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                              100.00 per toll free number

                                                                        Change Charge                                           50.00 per change

                                                                        Individual Feature Change

                                                                        Charge                                                        50.00 per change


Feature Option 2:  Feature Option 2 offers inbound and outbound service.  The following charges apply per Corp ID:


·                     Base Features:                                    Monthly Recurring Charge                      $     0.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                                  0.00


·                     Combined Feature Package:               Monthly Recurring Charge                         150.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                              150.00


Feature Option 3A:  This option offers outbound service only and is characterized by a private dialing plan.


·                     Base Features:                                    Monthly Recurring Charge                    $       0.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                           5,000.00


Feature Option 3B:  This option offers inbound toll free service only.  The following charges apply per toll free number:


·                     Base Features:                                    Monthly Recurring Charge                         $  0.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                                  0.00


·                     Combined Feature Package:               Monthly Recurring Charge                           50.00

                                                                        Non-Recurring Charge                                50.00

                                                                        Change                                                        25.00


For Customers of Option 2 and Option 3B who subscribe to international Inbound Service, a $10 monthly recurring charge applies: (i) per toll free number associated with such service; and, (ii) per ANI associated with each such toll free number.  Waivers of charges set forth in a written contract between the Company and the Customer in effect on or before October 18, 2002 do not apply to these charges.




1.         10/15-Digit Restrictions:  A Customer may specify individual 10‑ or 15-digit phone numbers to be blocked.


2.         800 MultiManager:  This feature is available to Customers who split their toll free traffic between the Company and other carriers.  It is available only on toll free numbers for which the Company has been designated Resp Org, and for which complex routing records are utilized in the SMS/800 Database.  A complex routing record is an SMS/800 Customer record which contains multiple Inter Exchange Carriers.  With MultiManager, the Company is the single point-of-contact for provisioning toll free service, trouble handling, disaster and contingency planning, SMS/800 Database support, and Multi-Carrier application planning and design.  Customers electing this feature will be entitled to capacity on the Company network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, reasonably forecasted by the Customer for that month.  (If no traffic forecast has been provided the Company, then the Customer will be entitled to capacity on the Company network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, actually billed in the immediately preceding full month.)  The monthly and installation charges apply per toll free number for Feature Option 1 service and per Corp ID for Feature Options 2 and 3B service; the change charge applies per toll free number.









Feature Option 1




Feature Options 2 and 3B





3.         Account and Identification Supplementary Codes: Two types of supplementary codes are available for both Inbound Service and Outbound Service and they are subject to the Feature Option selected below:  Identification (ID) Codes or Account Codes.  With both types of codes, calls cannot be completed without entry of the specified codes.  In addition, with ID codes, the calls are not completed until codes are verified for accuracy.  As an option, the Call Detail report can be sorted by Supplementary Codes.


Feature Option 1:        Account and Identification Supplementary Codes are available for Feature Option 1 service Customers with Outbound Service. Account codes are part of the basic feature package.  Verified and Customer Verified Accounting Codes and ID Codes are available on an a la carte basis .


Feature Option 2:        This feature is available as part of the Combined Feature Package.  Effective February 1, 2006 this feature will be sold on an a al carte basis.


Feature Option 3A:


            ID Codes:         Dialed for calls to each dedicated access line group, Dial 1 telephone number (ANI) or Vnet 800 Remote Access Number equipped for such codes.  An ID Code may be dialed in combination with an Accounting Code as defined below.  Both the ID and Accounting Code may be of Customer-specified length, so long as the total number of digits of both does not exceed eleven.  If the dedicated access line group or ANI is equipped for the code(s), the Customer can select, on that line group or ANI, that either the codes must be dialed on all Voice Services calls, or must be dialed only for off-net 10-digit and off-net international calls. Charges for ID Codes will not be pro-rated to accommodate less than a block increment of 100 codes.  ID Codes are available on an a la carte basis.


                                                                                        Installation                      Monthly

                                                                                     Per Customer              Per Customer


                                                ID Codes                                  $40                              $40

                                                (per Block of 100)


Account Codes:           Account Codes are not available for Feature Option 3A service Customers.


            Feature Option 3B:


ID Codes:         For ID Codes, codes are ordered in blocks of 100.  A Customer can order up to 90,000 blocks.  All ID Codes in a given block and all Account codes must be of the same length, and may be up to 11 digits.  The Change Charge will apply to additions of a block of Account or Identification Supplementary Codes.


                                                                                                   Mensual          Installation         Cambio


                                                ID Codes (per block of 100)           $30                  $50                  $50


Account Codes:        Account Codes allow the Customer to track usage of its toll free number back to specified user codes and/or to limit use of its toll free number to only those dialing authorized codes.  This feature requires that additional digits be dialed after the regular 10-digit toll free number is dialed.  This feature applies only to calls carried on the Company network.


                                                                                                   Mensual           Installation           Cambio


                                                Account Codes (Códigos de cuenta)

                                                  (per number)                               $30                    $0                    $0



4.         Accounting Codes:


Non-verified:  A Customer can specify that non-verified Accounting Codes (up to 11 digits) are to be dialed from specific dedicated access groups, Dial "1" telephone numbers (ANIs) and calling cards.


Verified:  Provides a Customer with a means of restricting and itemizing calls, according to specific digits, designated by the Company, that must be dialed at the end of a long distance number.  The length of the codes may vary from 2 to 6 digits.  Verified Accounting Codes may be verified against a specific list of valid numbers for call restriction and for cataloging by code the calls made.  The following charges for Verified Accounting Codes do not apply to Customers who subscribe to the Combined Feature Package.  Effective February 1, 2006, these charges are no longer part of the combined routing feature package.  All new Customers who subscribe to this feature will be charged as stated below:


Monthly Recurring Charge                         $40  per 100 codes

Non-Recurring Charge                                40  per 100 codes


Customer Verified:  Customer Verified Accounting Codes is available to Customers of Feature Option 1 and provides a Customer with a means of restricting and itemizing calls, according to specific digits, specified by the Customer, which must be dialed at the end of a long distance number.  The length of the codes may vary from 2 to 8 digits.  Customer Verified Accounting Codes may be verified against a specific list of valid numbers for call restriction and for cataloging by code the calls made.  The following charges for Customer Verified Accounting Codes do not apply to Customers who subscribe to the Combined Feature Package.


Monthly Recurring Charge                         $35  per 100 codes

Non-Recurring Charge                                25  per 100 codes


5.         Alternate Routing:  Allows the Customer to pre-define alternate routing arrangements that can be activated upon command in the event of a Customer emergency.  Up to 99 alternate plans per toll free number can be established.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The monthly charge applies to each toll free number under each plan stored by the Company for the Customer.  The Change Charge will apply per toll free number to any change in the number or make-up of alternate plans, to cancellation of the feature, or to cancellation of the toll free number with which the feature has been associated.  Alternate Routing is not available in Super Routing Plans.


Monthly Recurring                   Non-Recurring Charges                  

                              Charge                      Installation       GRATIS          Cambio


                              $50.00                         $10.00             $50.00             $50.00


6.         Automatic Number Identification (ANI):  This feature allows an Inbound Service Customer to receive the working number of the calling party as part of the call setup.  The working telephone number is commonly referred to as Automatic Number Identification or ANI.  ANI is a subscription option available on both inband (Multi-Frequency (MF) and Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF)) and out‑of‑band (ISDN PRI) dedicated access lines.


There are three charges associated with ANI: an installation charge, a monthly charge and an ANI Delivery charge. The monthly and installation charges apply per trunk group for Feature Option 1 service and per Corp ID for Feature Option 2 service.   A $0.01 per call ANI Delivery charge is incurred each time the ANI is delivered at the time of call setup for Customers of Feature Options 2 and 3B.


                                                                      Non-Recurring       Per ANI

                                                  Mensual           Installation        Delivered


Feature Option 1                         $200                $350                   n/a


6.1       ISDN ANI:  This feature allows an inbound service Customer to receive the ANI over the ISDN D-Channel and is available only with PRI access.


There are two charges associated with ISDN ANI:  a monthly charge and an ANI Delivery charge.  The ANI Delivery charge is incurred each time the ANI is delivered at the time of call setup.


Mensual                                              Per ANI Delivered


$0.00/Service Group                                  $0.01


7.         Call Area Selection/Tailored Call Coverage:  Allows the toll free service Customer to block calls from one or more specific originating areas at the domestic NPA or state level.  Blockage from multiple originating areas is available at no additional charge.  The Change Charge will apply when the Customer changes the group of originating areas to be blocked, when this option is removed from a toll free number, or when service is canceled for that toll free number.



                              Mensual                    Installation         Cambio


                                $0.00                       $150.00             $50.00


8.         Call Detail:  Individual call identification provided only when a call originates from a converted end office.  There are no non-recurring nor monthly recurring charges for call detail on either magnetic tape or paper.


9.         Calling Station Identification:  This feature is provided in two formats:


9.1       Non‑ISDN Calling Station Identification:  This format allows the Customer to specify certain Dedicated Access Line (DAL) origination groups to transmit the originating station number to the Company.  The following non-recurring and monthly recurring charges will apply per DAL Group:


Monthly Recurring                       $  25

Installation                                     100


9.2       ISDN Calling Station Identification:  This format allows the Customer to receive and transmit the originating station number via the Primary Rate Interface (PRI). The following non-recurring and monthly recurring charges will apply per DAL Group:


Monthly Recurring                       $  25

Installation                                     100


10.       Consolidated Billing:  A Customer can elect to receive a single consolidated billing statement for all calls placed via Voice Services from all locations, including call detail on paper at the Customer’s option, or a location level invoice for each location.


11.       Cross Corporate Identification Routing:  This feature permits a Customer‑of‑record of inbound service to request that the Company route and terminate inbound traffic via any one or more of the toll free telephone numbers associated with the Customer‑of‑record's inbound service to any domestic or international location, irrespective of whether the location is associated with the inbound service Corporate ID assigned by the Company to that Customer.  All locations at which inbound service calls are terminated under this feature must have associated with them an inbound service Corporate ID.  The Company will deliver the invoice for traffic routed in this way to the billing address of the inbound service Corporate ID of the location at which calls are terminated, or to the Customer-of-record of the inbound service, whichever is specified by the Customer.  The non-billed party will be furnished with a call report summary showing all calls directed to terminating locations via this feature.  Unless otherwise specified, the Customer-of-record will be responsible to the Company for payment of invoices for all calls terminated to those locations.  In the event the Customer of record designates the terminating location as the responsible party, the Corp ID assigned to the terminating location will be responsible to the Company for payment of invoices for all calls terminating to that location.  The toll free number Customer-of-record may request optional monthly billing reports and/or optional monthly magnetic tapes.  A monthly recurring charge, as specified below, will be billed to the toll free number Customer-of-record for optional additional reports.  All domestic and international usage charges will apply as specified in Domestic Usage Rates and International Usage Rates.  Charges generated as a result of cross‑corporate ID routed calls will be accumulated with charges to the inbound service Corporate ID of the billed party for the purpose of determining compliance with any minimum volume requirements and volume‑related discounts.  The inbound service Customer‑of‑record requesting cross‑corporate ID routing will be responsible for any costs incurred by the including but not limited to, access and/or egress charges and any amounts the Company may be required to pay third parties, as a result of any errors in the Customer’s orders directing the cross‑corporate ID routing.  All inbound features, with the exception of Direct Termination Overflow, can be used with Cross‑Corporate ID routing.  There are no additional charges for Cross‑Corporate ID routing, except for the charge for the optional feature specified below.   Cross Corporate ID billing to terminating locations is not available to Customers of ECR.   A $100 charge per corporate ID will apply for optional additional reports.


12.       Custom Reporting: Custom Reporting, which is available to Customers receiving service under a Special Customer Arrangement (SCA), is a collection of reports which provide monthly data which permits the Customer to track, review, and analyze traffic to monitor contractual commitments and service usage. 


The following per-report charges apply to standard reports.  Additional charges may apply for non-standard reports.



Mensual             Installation         Cambio


$300                 $500                $500


13.       Customized Range Privileges:  A Customer may specify the type of Voice Services calls allowed for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each Voice Services Card authorization code, on each Dial "1" ANI, and for each ID Code.  For each Customized Range Privilege, the Customer defines the allowable state, area code, area code/exchange code combinations, and country code.


14.       CVNS:  CVNS Voice Service allows the Customer to make voice calls on its network originating via dedicated access in the U.S. Mainland or Hawaii and terminating at the Company affiliate's Point of Presence in the host country and then to the Customer’s premises via dedicated termination.  CVNS Voice Service Customers may subscribe to CVNS Calling Card access which allows Customers to make calling card access calls originating via switched access in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminating in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands or in selected international locations.  CVNS Switched Data Service allows the Customer to make data calls on its Outbound Switched Digital Service network via dedicated access in the U.S. Mainland or Hawaii and terminating at a Company affiliate's Point of Presence in the host country and then to the Customer’s premises via dedicated termination.  The Network Call Redirect feature is not available in connection with this service.


14.1     Usage Charges:  The following per-minute usage charges are for the transport portion of the call and do not include charges for access or termination.


14.1.1  CVNS Voice Service:.  For international CVNS Voice Service calls, Usage Rates rates apply.


14.2.1  CVNS Calling Card Access:  CVNS Calling Card Access calls are not subject to a per-call surcharge.  The following per-minute rate apply:


A.         Domestic: For calls from the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. Virgin Islands to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands:


Increment                                          Charge


First 30 Seconds                             $0.2750

Additional 6 Seconds                         0.0550


B.         International:  For international CVNS Calling Card Access calls, Usage Rates rates apply:


14.3.1  CVNS Switched Data Service:  For international CVNS Switched Data calls, Usage Rates rates apply:


15.       CVNS Audio Conferencing:  CVNS Audio Conferencing allows CVNS Customers to make audioconferencing calls on their network which originate via dedicated access in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminate at an affiliate's Point of Presence in the host countries set forth below.  In addition, CVNS Audio Conferencing allows CVNS Customers to make audioconferencing calls which originate via switched access in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminate in international locations.


CVNS Audio Conferencing is a one way, multi point service that allows dedicated, long distance telecommunication service between a single domestic calling station and two or more stations in international locations.


CVNS Audio Conferencing requires an audioconferencing bridge port for each called station.  The necessary domestic bridge ports are provided by a designated Conference Coordinator and are available as a Dial‑Out or Toll Meet‑Me service.


An audioconference call is initiated by making a reservation of a date and time for a call.  Reservations of audioconference calls can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Audioconference calls may be made on any day of the week, at anytime, based on availability. Cancellation of scheduled audioconference calls within thirty minutes of the scheduled time for an audioconference call is subject to the charges set forth in this section.


15.1     Methods of CVNS Audio Conferencing


15.1.1  Dial‑Out:  Allows Customers to initiate a CVNS Audio Conferencing call using Dial‑Out Service.


15.1.2  Toll Meet‑Me:  Allows Customers to initiate a CVNS Audio Conference call using Toll Meet‑Me Service.


            15.2     Usage Charges:  The charges set forth below are for the bridging and transport of audioconference calls and do not include access or termination charges.  Calculation of the usage begins at the connect time of the first called party and ends when either (i) the last participant in the audioconference call disconnects or (ii) the Conference Coordinator terminates the call.


15.2.1  Dedicated‑to‑Dedicated Transport and Bridging Usage Rates:   Customers will be charged the following per‑minute rates per bridge port per minute, based on rate period.


              Peak                                      Off‑Peak               

                                                                      First            Additional              First            Additional

Ubicación                  18 Secs           6 Secs              18 Secs            6 Secs


Australia                  $0.4416           $0.1472           $0.4416           $0.1472  

Belgium                      0.4683             0.1561             0.4683             0.1561  

Canada                      0.3297             0.1099             0.3297             0.1099

                                    France                       0.4203             0.1401             0.4203             0.1401  

Germany                    0.4365             0.1455             0.4365             0.1455  

Ireland                       0.4311             0.1437             0.4311             0.1437  

Italy                            0.5004             0.1668             0.5004             0.1668  

Japan                         0.4818             0.1606             0.4818             0.1606  

Mexico                       0.4902             0.1634             0.4200             0.1400

Netherlands               0.4230             0.1410             0.4230             0.1410  

Spain                         0.5112             0.1704             0.5112             0.1704  

Sweden                      0.4365             0.1455             0.4365             0.1455  

Switzerland                0.4629             0.1543             0.4629             0.1543  

United Kingdom         0.3969             0.1323             0.3969             0.1323  


15.2.2  Switched Transport and Bridging Usage Rates:  Customers will be charged Usage Rates per bridge port per minute.


15.3     Features:  The following features are available to CVNS Audio Conferencing Customers. Unless otherwise specified in this section, all fees and charges set forth herein for the following features are applicable.


Conference Recording

Diskette Transcription

Participant Notification


Question and Answer


15.4     Cancellation Charges:  Cancellation of reservations within 30 minutes of a scheduled audioconference call start time will result in a charge of $3.50 per bridge port.  The maximum cancellation charge will not exceed $70 per reserved call.


15.5     Overbook Charge:  A $3.50 charge will apply to each unused reserved bridge port after the first 50 unused bridge ports.


15.6     Definitions:  For purposes of this Section, the following definitions apply:  peak rates apply 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. weekdays; off-peak rates apply at all other times.


16.       Day of Week Routing:  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the particular day of the week.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for each day of the week, with a maximum of seven day types.  The Customer must have at least two locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


17.       Day of Year/Holiday Routing:  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on a Customer‑specified holiday.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to fifteen (15) single‑day holidays and three ranges (composed of up to ten (10) consecutive days) for a total of forty‑five (45) days in a one year period.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Customer must subscribe to Day of Week Routing in order to subscribe to this routing feature.  The Change Charge will apply to any change in the number or make‑up of holidays or ranges, or to cancellation of the feature, or to cancellation of the toll free service number with which the feature has been associated.


Installation                       $110

Change                                50


18.       Dialed Number ID Service (DNIS):  This feature permits a Customer with multiple inbound service telephone numbers terminating in the same location to identify the specific toll free service telephone number which was dialed by the calling party.  DNIS is only available with Dedicated Access Line terminations equipped for this feature.  A Customer can request up to 1,500 DNIS designations per trunk group; above 1,500 designations, requests will be handled on an individual case basis.  Charges apply per terminating location.  The Change Charge will apply to any reconfiguration of outpulsed digits, to the cancellation of this feature, or to the cancellation of the toll free service number with which the feature has been associated.



Non-Recurring Charges







Feature Option 1



Feature Option 2 – Inbound Only



Feature Option 3B




19.       Directed Billing:  Directed Billing enables Customers to establish subaccounts on behalf of their employees, and to predetermine for which ANIs and/or Cards charges will be billed to the Customer and for which ANIs and/or Cards charges will be billed directly to those authorized users of the Customer’s service.  This billing option will apply only to employees of the Customer.  Employee subaccounts will be defined as one or more ANIs (for example, cellular ANIs or business lines at employees' homes) and/or one or more Cards.  Customers may choose to have either all calls (regardless of termination) or all off-net (non-private dialing plan number) calls from designated ANIs or Cards billed to the end user (employee of the Customer).


All usage for employees' Directed Billing calls, regardless of whether billed to the employee or the Customer, will count as Qualifying Volume for the Customer.  Usage volume billed to the Customer will count as Eligible Volume; usage volume billed to end users (employees) will not count as Eligible Volume.  Usage will be billed to the employee at standard Guide rates.  All calls are eligible for Time of Day discounts.


The Customer must verify to the Company in writing, that the Company is duly authorized to provide service for all employee subaccounts.  These employee subaccounts must be designated for inclusion by the Customer under the Directed Billing.  The Customer is responsible for designating the ANIs and Cards that will be included on the network and for placing all service orders to add, delete, or change such ANIs or Cards and/or to add, delete, or make changes to service for such ANIs or Cards.  Each designated employee subaccount will be billed separately for its service.  The Customer will be responsible, without limitation, for payment of delinquent employee subaccounts.


20.       Direct Termination Overflow (DTO):  Allows a Customer to redirect calls to Customer-pre-defined locations during busy network conditions by scheduling redirection of calls on up to seven trunk groups and one ANI.


             Installation         Cambio


                            $100                  $50


21.       Disconnect Message Referral (DMR):  Provides Customers who disconnect or change an toll free number with a recording that either informs callers that the toll free number has been disconnected, refers callers to a new number, or refers callers to a new number with an option to extend the caller to the specified destination.  This feature is designed solely to assist in call completion by means of call referral or routing and provides no media-related or other information or service.  The call may either terminate after the message announcement or proceed to another function.  The monthly recurring charge applies, per toll free number, to messages that refer callers or extend callers to numbers other than numbers for which the Company is the designated Resp Org.  The following options are available at the charges specified below.


                                                     Monthly Recurring

Opciones                                                             Cargos          Usage Charges


Disconnect Message                                            $   0            N/A

DMR to a Company Number                                      0            N/A

DMR to a Non- Company Number                          150            N/A

DMR to a Company Number with                             0            Domestic Usage

Call Extension                                                                        rates and Uso internacional rates apply for the call extension

DMR to a Non- Company Number with                 150            Domestic Usage

Call Extension                                                                        rates and Uso internacional rates apply for the call extension


21.1     Change Charges:  A $50 Change Charge will apply, per change, at the time the change is made, for any of the following:


DMR Type Change

DMR Call Extension Termination Change

DMR Referral Number Change

DMR Extend Time Period Change


22.       Electronic Billing:  The Electronic Billing feature allows a Customer to view, analyze and pay (via electronic funds transfer) the invoice from Company via the Internet.


23.       Exchange Routing:  Allows the Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of any combination of domestic NPA/NXXs.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.


24.       Extended Call Coverage:  Allows calls to originate from Canada.  The non‑recurring installation charge will be assessed for each of the coverage areas selected, for each toll free number.  Per-minute usage charges are as specified in Usage Rates.  Charges apply per toll free number for Feature Option 1 service.





Feature Option 1                          $ 25


25.       Geographic/Point of Call Routing:  Allows the Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free service telephone number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of one or more valid Company international toll free countries, as well as any combination of domestic NPAs or states.  The combination of all domestic routing groups defined by the Customer must include the entire U.S. Mainland, and any areas selected by Extended Call Coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Tailored Call Coverage.   The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group. 


26.       Global Inbound Service (GIS):  A facilities-based virtual private network (VPN) solution that employs Intelligent Network Call Processing (INCP) to provide inbound voice service originating in a country other than the U.S.


26.1     Access Methods:  Customer may subscribe to one or more of the following five access methods available for call origination, subject to availability:  Shared Cost, Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), National Freephone, International Toll-Free Service (ITFS), and Universal International Freephone Network (UIFN).  For call origination, ITFS makes available a different toll-free number in each country in which ITFS is available; UIFN makes available a single toll-free number covering all countries in which UIFN is available. 


Shared Cost, PSTN and National Freephone are available for calls that are routed through the Company’s GIS network from the Company’s in-country switch (GIS Network Number calls).  ITFS and UIFN are available for non-GIS Network calls. Non-GIS Network calls are directed to a switch located in the United States for routing instructions.  Such calls may terminate within the United States or outside of the United States using the Company’s Global Business Line (the Company network that supports international calls) provided that, with respect to calls terminated outside of the United States, such terminations are permitted by the originating country PTT. 


GIS access methods are summarized in the following table:



Access Method

Called Number Appearance







GIS Network Number



Shared Cost

Caller uses a number with a local appearance.

Caller Portion:  Caller billed through local carrier (PTT) at a per-minute rate set by the PTT. 

Customer Portion:  Company usage charges for transport apply.


Caller uses a number with a local appearance.

Caller Portion:  Caller billed through the PTT for the portion of the call from its point-of-origination to the Company’s in-country facility at a per-minute rate set by the PTT. 

Customer Portion:  Customer Portion:  Company usage charges for transport apply for the portion of the call from the Company’s in-country facility to Customer’s call center.

National Freephone

Caller uses a toll-free number with a local or in-country appearance.

Caller Portion:  Included in caller’s local service.

Customer Portion:  Company usage charges for transport apply.





Non-GIS Network Number


International Toll-Free Service (ITFS)

Caller uses an in-country toll-free number.

Caller Portion:  Included in caller’s local service. 

Customer Portion:  Company usage charges for transport apply.

Universal International Freephone Network (UIFN)

Caller uses an in-country toll-free number.

Caller Portion:  Included in caller’s local service. 

Customer Portion:  Company usage charges for transport apply.


26.2     Rates and charges:  The following rates and charges apply. All rates and charges are shown in U.S. dollars.  GIS usage is billed in initial 30-second increments and additional 1-second increments:


26.2.1  Per-Minute Usage Charges


A.         Shared Cost:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for the portion of a Shared Cost call from the PTT's point-of-presence (POP) to the Customer’s location in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.



Origination Type


Termination Type/Per-Minute Rate












































Reino Unido






B.         PSTN:   The following per-minute usage charges apply for the portion of a PSTN call from the Company affiliate's POP to the Customer’s location in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii. 



Origination Type


Termination Type/Per-Minute Rate



























































Reino Unido






C.         National Freephone:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for the entire call:



Origination Type


Termination Type/Per-Minute Rate




























































Reino Unido











D.         ITFS and UIFN:  The per-minute usage charges set forth in Usage Rates apply for the entire call.


26.2.2  Other Per-Minute and Per-Call Charges:


A.         International Mobile Origination Charge:  The following non-discountable per‑minute charges apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, for GIS calls which originate via Commercial Mobile Radio Service in the following international locations:


Usage Charges


B.         Payphone Use Charge:  The following non-discountable per-minute charges apply, in addition to all other applicable usage charges and surcharges, to GIS calls that originate from a payphone in the following locations, but excluding calls for which the Customer pays for service by inserting coins during the progress of the call,.  These charges apply for the use of the instrument used to access service and are unrelated to the service accessed from the payphone.



Per-Minute Charge





















Nueva Zelanda




Spain (including Balearic

  Islands, Canary Islands,

  Ceuta and Melilla)






Reino Unido



27.       Global Enhanced Call Routing (Global ECR) Service:  Global ECR is a network‑based response capability which provides call routing options to Customers of Global Inbound Service (GIS).  GIS ECR is available only to Customers using GIS for voice transport.


27.1     Routing Options:   The following Global ECR routing options are available. 


·         Menu Routing:  Menu Routing prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another Global ECR routing option or is extended to a final destination.


·         Message Announcement:  Message Announcement plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the Message Announcement, or proceed to another Global ECR routing option or extend to a final destination.


·         Standard Database Routing:  Standard Database Routing prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Cutomer location or to another ECR routing option as defined in the Global ECR database.  The Customer is responsible for providing the database in a specified content.


·         Advanced Database Routing:  In addition to all Standard Database Routing options, Advanced Database Routing provides call routing capabilities based on a defined schedule (day of week, time of day) or distributes calls randomly based on a specified percentage distribution between other Global ECR routing option s and/or multiple destinations.  In addition, this option includes the capability for Customer to update the content of their Global ECR database via touchtone interaction.


·         Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR):  BNAR monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another Global ECR routing option upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.


·         Caller Takeback:  Caller Takeback allows the caller to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and reconnect to the Global ECR call application.  The caller can then select other programmed options in response to voice prompts.


·         Takeback and Transfer (TNT):  TNT allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  TNT offers three types of transfer: “Attended” where the call center agent introduces the caller to a second call center agent; “Unattended” where the first agent transfers a call directly to a second agent and hangs up; and “3-Way” where the first agent can bridge a second agent into a call and both can conduct a conversation with the caller. 


·         Announced Connect:  Announced Connect allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.


·         Host Connect:  Allows the Global ECR Voice Response Unit (VRU) to exchange data with the Customer’s database, personal computer (PC) or mainframe system.


·         Automated Speech Recognition:  Allows callers to speak the option/menu choice they want, instead of using the telephone keypad.


·         Remote Audio Update:  Allows Customer to make real-time (within 15 minutes) updates to its audio messages that callers hear.  Using an assigned ID number and password, Customer can dial into its application message and modify and review it.


27.2     Supplemental Services;  The following ECR supplemental services are available upon Customer’s order:


·         Network Database Installation

·         Assistance with Database(s) Creation

·         Assistance with Database(s) Change

·         Assistance with ECR Change

·         Remote Audio Update Install

·         Foreign Language Recording Install or Change

·         Application Installation (installation of a customized call design)

·         Standard Database Change

·         Call Flow Logic change

·         Audio change

·         Host Connect New Development

·         Host Connect Application Change

·         Advanced Speech Development

·         Advanced Speech Application Change


27.3     Charges:  The following platform charges, transport charges and Global ECR routing option charges apply per Global ECR call, except as otherwise expressly noted (all amounts are shown in U.S. dollars).


27.3.1  Platform Charges:  A rate of $0.06 per minute, assessed in 6-second increments, applies for the period beginning when the Global ECR system answers the call and ending when the call is released to Customer’s call center (or, when the caller hangs up and the ECR call is terminated).


A $0.01 per-call minimum platform charge applies for calls that are passed through the Global ECR platform directly to a call center.


27.3.2  Transport Charges:  Transport charges apply to a call when a caller is connected to Customer’s call center, at which point platform charges end.  Such transport charges are based on termination type at the Customer call center and end when the call terminates.  The following transport charges apply:


A.         Transport charges for U.S. termination


B.         Transport charges for non-U.S. termination are set forth in Customer’s agreement


27.3.3  Global ECR Routing Option Charges:  Routing option charges apply based on the Global ECR routing options used on a particular GIS call.  Routing option charges are applied once per call regardless of the number of times an individual routing option is actually used during the call, except that for calls using the Caller Takeback and TNT options, the routing option charge is applied each time the routing option is used.


No discounts will apply to Global ECR routing option charges.  The following routing option charges apply:




Glocal ECR Routing Option

Per Call

Per Use




Menu Routing



Message Announcement



Database Routing



  (Standard, Advanced & Host Connect)



Busy/No Answer Rerouting



Caller Takeback



TNT (Includes Caller Takeback)



Announced Connect



Advanced Speech Recognition



TNT (Includes Caller Takeback)




27.3.4  Supplemental Service Charges:  The following non-recurring charges apply per instance of each supplemental service:


ECR Supplemental Service






Network Database Installation

$   500


Assistance with Database(s) Creation



Assistance with Database(s) Change



Assistance with ECR Change



Remote Audio Update Install



Foreign Language Recording Install or Change*



Application Installation



Standard Database Change



Call Flow Logic change



Audio change



Host Connect New Development


per hour

Host Connect Application Change


per hour

Advanced Speech Development


per hour

Advanced Speech Application Change


per hour


*  Charge does not apply to standard platform messages in British English, French, German, or Dutch.


A.         Supplemental Service Expedite Charge:  An additional $1,000 charge applies for expediting application installation, network database installation, assistance with database creation, assistance with database change, standard database change, call flow logic change, audio change  and foreign language recording installation or change (standard platform messages in British English, French, German, or Dutch) which, at Customer’s request, is performed in less than the Company’s standard eight day service interval for Global ECR.


27.3.5  Monthly Recurring Charges:  Monthly recurring charges apply to each instance of the following:






Global ECR Application (except Network Database)


Global ECR Survey (six months minimum)


Global ECR Remote Audio Update


Network Database


Administrative Application for (touch tone entry)

  DTMF Updates



27.3.6  Custom Call Records (CCRs):  This option allows the Customer to receive call records via e-mail on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.  Daily and weekly CCRs are shipped within 48 hours following the end of the daily or weekly cycle.  Monthly CCRs are sent within five days following month end. The  following monthly recurring charges apply, based on delivery frequency:


Delivery Frequency

Monthly Recurring Charge










28.       Hierarchy Billing:  A Customer can specify invoicing at various levels of its organization for entities which it owns, franchises, or manages.  In addition, the Customer can also request reporting for various levels of the organization.  The Customer is responsible for designating the locations that will be included on the network for placing all service order adds, deletes, or changes.  Each location may be billed separately or in a designated combination.  The Customer will be responsible for remitting payment for usage charges associated with a particular location.  The Customer also remains responsible for all terms and conditions provided under this Guide.  A Customer can designate a maximum of 6,000 locations to receive separate invoices.



                                                           Installation        Recurring


Location Level Invoicing                             $ 0                   $ 0


29.       Hosted Interactive Voice Response - Enhanced Call Routing (ECR):  ECR is a network‑based response capability which provides call routing features with Voice Services Toll Free service.


29.1     Option 2/3 Customers:  This network-based voice response capability provides call routing features available with toll free service.  The following ECR function options are available.  All other toll free service features used to establish the ECR functions will be charged as applicable.


·                     ECR Menu Routing:  This option prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another ECR function or is extended to a final destination.


·                     ECR Message Announcement:  This option plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the Message Announcement, or proceed to another ECR function or extend to a final destination.


·                     ECR Standard Database Routing:  This option prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Cutomer location or to another ECR function as defined in the ECR database.  The Customer is responsible for providing the database in a specified content.


·                     ECR Advanced Database Routing:  In addition to all standard database routing features, this option provides call routing capabilities based on a defined schedule (day of week, time of day) or distributes calls randomly based on a specified percentage distribution between other ECR functions and/or multiple destinations.  In addition, this feature includes the capability for callers to update the content of their ECR database via touchtone interaction.


·                     ECR Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR):  This option monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another ECR function upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.


·                     Caller Takeback:  This option allows the caller to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and reconnect to the ECR call application.  The caller can then select other programmed options in response to voice prompts.


·                     Takeback and Transfer (TNT):  This option allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  As an option, while the caller is on hold, the first called party can speak with the second called party at the new destination before the caller is connected to the second called party.


·                     Announced Connect:  This option allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.


29.1.1  The following per-minute platform charges, per-minute ECR transport charges and ECR function charges apply per ECR call.           Per-Minute Platform Charges:


A.         Domestic:  A rate of $0.0600 per minute, assessed in 6-second increments, is charged for the period beginning when the ECR system answers the call and ending when the call is released to the Customer service location (or, when the caller hangs up, the ECR call is terminated), except that a $0.01 per-call minimum platform charge applies.


B.         International:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for calls originating in international locations, depending on Company’s billing capability.


B.1       A rate of $0.0600 per minute, assessed in 6-second increments, is charged for the period beginning when the ECR system answers the call and ending when the call is released the Customer service location (or, when the caller hangs up, the ECR call is terminated), except that a $0.01 per-call minimum platform charge applies.


B.2       International Inbound Service usage charges apply.           Per-Minute ECR Transport Charges:  The following per-minute usage charges apply for the period after the call is released to the customer service location, based on termination type at the customer service location, and ending when the call is terminated.


A.         Domestic:  Standard Guide Inbound Service usage charges apply for calls originating in domestic locations.


B.         International:  For calls originating in international locations, Customer will be charged: (i) per-minute international Inbound Service usage charges; and, (ii) depending on Company’s billing capability, per-minute domestic Inbound Service usage charges.


Canada:  Customers who subscribe to Extended Call Coverage may use Extended Call Coverage to originate ECR applications at locations in Canada.  The per-minute usage rates set forth in Usage Rates based on origination and termination type, billed in 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments, will apply per call.           ECR Function Charges:  The ECR function charge is based on the functions used on a particular call. The function charge for functions used is applied once per call regardless of the number of times a function is actually used during the call, except that for calls using the Caller Takeback and TNT functions, the function charge is applied each time the function is used.


Charges will apply per platform when calls originate from one platform and terminate to another platform.


The following function charges apply, based on Feature Option:



Rate Per Call



ECR Function




Menu Routing


Message Announcement


Standard Database Routing


Advanced Database Routing


Busy/No Answer Rerouting


Announced Connect


Caller Takeback


TNT (Includes Caller Takeback)




A $0.01 minimum charge will apply per call.           Function Discount:  No discounts will apply to ECR function charges.


29.1.2  Non-Recurring ECR Charges Per Application:  The following non-recurring ECR charges will apply:


ECR Feature




Application Installation (up to 50 messages)


Application Installation (50 or more messages)


Additional Charge for Advanced


  Database Installation:


Assistance with Database(s) Creation:


Assistance with Database(s) Change:


Callflow Logic/Database Change:


Audio Change (per 50 messages)


Foreign Language Recording Install or Change:


Standard Database Change1:



1           There is a maximum of 50,000 Database records per application.


An additional $1,000 per-application charge applies for application installation, advanced database installation, assistance with database creation or change, call flow, audio and standard database change and foreign language recording installation or change which, at the Customer’s request, occurs in less than the Company’s standard 8-day service interval for ECR.


            29.1.3  Monthly Recurring Charges:


Per Application (except Advanced Database)                              $250

Advanced Database                                                                      500


29.1.4  Custom Call Records (CCRs):  This option allows the Customer to receive call records via e-mail on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.  Daily and weekly CCRs are shipped within 48 hours following the end of the daily or weekly cycle.  Monthly CCRs are sent within 5 days following month end. The following monthly recurring charges apply, based on delivery method:


Delivery Method              Monthly Recurring Charge


Daily                                            $750

Weekly                                           300

Monthly                                          150


30.       Hosted Voice Messaging Service (Voice-mail):  The Voice-mail service description is located in the Internet, Enhanced and Other Nonregulated Products and Services section.




31.       ICT – Integrated Call Tree:  This offering is available to Option 3B Customers.  ICT completely integrates toll free and ECR features and functionality and makes them available in a single routing plan. Customer may subscribe to ICT feature options via the Network Manager.  The following feature options are available.


31.1     Enhance Call Routing:


·                     ICT Announced Connect:  This option allows customized voice announcements or menu prompts to be provided to the terminating location before the caller is connected.


·                     ICT Busy/No Answer Rerouting (BNAR):  This option monitors and reroutes unanswered calls to alternative Customer locations or to another ICT function upon detection of busy or no answer conditions.


·                     ICT Caller Takeback/Giveback:  This option allows the caller to enter a touch-tone command which causes the call to disconnect from the terminating location and access the ICT routing plan.  The caller can then select other programmed options.


·                     ICT Menu Routing:  This option prompts callers to enter a single touchtone digit in response to voice prompts which are considered part of the menu routing option.  The call then proceeds to another ICT function or is extended to a final destination.


·                     ICT Message Announcement:  This option plays prerecorded voice information referring callers to other numbers, explaining service conditions, or other information that a Customer desires to provide to callers.  The call may either terminate after the ICT Message Announcement, or proceed to another ICT function or extend to a final destination.


·                     ICT Standard Database Routing:  This option prompts callers to enter touchtone digits in response to voice prompts.  Using these digits, or using automatic number identification (ANI), the call is then extended to a Customer location or to another ICT function as defined in the ICT database.  The Customer is responsible for defining and maintaining the ICT databases.


·                     ICT Takeback and Transfer (TNT):  This option allows the called party to enter a touch-tone command, which places the caller on hold, and reroutes the call to another destination.  As an option, while the caller is on hold, the first called party can speak with the second called party at the new destination before the caller is connected to the second called party.


31.2     Toll Free:


·                     ICT 800 MultiManager: This feature is available to Customers who split their toll free traffic between the Company and other carriers.  It is available only on toll free numbers for which the Company has been designated Resp Org, and for which complex routing records are utilized in the SMS/800 Database.  A complex routing record is an SMS/800 Customer record which contains multiple Inter Exchange Carriers.  With 800 MultiManager, the Company is the single point-of-contact for provisioning toll free service, trouble handling, disaster and contingency planning, SMS/800 Database support, and Multi-Carrier application planning and design.  Customers electing this feature will be entitled to capacity on the Company network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, reasonably forecasted by the Customer for that month.  (If no traffic forecast has been provided the Company, then the Customer will be entitled to capacity on the Company network equal to up to twice the amount of traffic, measured in minutes of usage, actually billed in the immediately preceding full month.) 


·                     ICT Account and Identification Supplementary Codes: Two types of supplementary codes are available: Identification (ID) Codes or Account Codes.  With both types of codes, calls cannot be completed without entry of the specified codes.  In addition, with ID codes, the calls are not completed until codes are verified for accuracy.  As an option, the Call Detail report can be sorted by Supplementary Codes.


·                     ICT Alternate Routing: Allows the Customer to pre-define alternate routing arrangements that can be activated upon command in the event of a Customer emergency.  Up to 99 alternate plans per toll free number can be established.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  Alternate Routing is not available in Super Routing Plans.


·                     ICT Cross Corp:  This feature permits a Customer‑of‑record of inbound service to request that the Company route and terminate inbound traffic via any one or more of the toll free telephone numbers associated with the Customer‑of‑record's inbound service to any domestic or international location, irrespective of whether the location is associated with the inbound service Corporate ID assigned by the Company to that Customer.  All locations at which inbound service calls are terminated under this feature must have associated with them an inbound service Corporate ID.  The Company will deliver the invoice for traffic routed in this way to the billing address of the inbound service Corporate ID of the location at which calls are terminated, or to the Customer-of-record of the inbound service, whichever is specified by the Customer.  The non-billed party will be furnished with a call report summary showing all calls directed to terminating locations via this feature.  Unless otherwise specified, the Customer-of-record will be responsible to the Company for payment of invoices for all calls terminated to those locations.  In the event the Customer of record designates the terminating location as the responsible party, the Corp ID assigned to the terminating location will be responsible to the Company for payment of invoices for all calls terminating to that location.  The toll free number Customer-of-record may request optional monthly billing reports and/or optional monthly magnetic tapes.  A monthly recurring charge, as specified below, will be billed to the toll free number Customer-of-record for optional additional reports.  All domestic and international usage charges will apply as specified in Domestic Usage Rates and International Usage Rates.  Charges generated as a result of cross‑corporate ID routed calls will be accumulated with charges to the inbound service Corporate ID of the billed party for the purpose of determining compliance with any minimum volume requirements and volume‑related discounts.  The inbound service Customer‑of‑record requesting cross‑corporate ID routing will be responsible for any costs incurred by the including but not limited to, access and/or egress charges and any amounts the Company may be required to pay third parties, as a result of any errors in the Customer’s orders directing the cross‑corporate ID routing. 


·                     ICT Day of Week:  Allows Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the particular day of the week.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for each day of the week, with a maximum of seven day types.  The Customer must have at least two locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


·                     ICT Day of Year:  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on a Customer‑specified holiday.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to fifteen (15) single‑day holidays and three ranges (composed of up to ten (10) consecutive days) for a total of forty‑five (45) days in a one year period.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


·                     ICT Dial Number ID Service (DNIS):  This feature permits a Customer with multiple inbound service telephone numbers terminating in the same location to identify the specific toll free service telephone number which was dialed by the calling party.  DNIS is only available with Dedicated Access Line terminations equipped for this feature.  A non-recurring installation charge applies.


·                     ICT Disconnect Message Referral (DMR): Provides Customers who disconnect or change an toll free number with a recording that either informs callers that the toll free number has been disconnected, refers callers to a new number, or refers callers to a new number with an option to extend the caller to the specified destination.  This feature is designed solely to assist in call completion by means of call referral or routing and provides no media-related or other information or service.  The call may either terminate after the message announcement or proceed to another function.  The following options are available:




Usage Charges




Disconnect Message


No disponible

DMR to a Company Number


No disponible

DMR to a Non- Company Number


No disponible

  DMR to a Company Number

  With  Call Extension


Domestic Usage rates



and International Usage



rates apply for the call extension.

  DMR to a Non-Company

  Number With Call Extension


Domestic Usage rates



and International Usage



rates apply for the call extension.


·                     ICT Exchange Routing: Allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of any combination of domestic NPA/NXXs.  The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group.


·                     ICT Geographic/Point Call:  Allows Customer to define two or more originating routing groups and to arrange that calls to a single toll free service telephone number placed from different routing groups will terminate at different locations.  A routing group can consist of one or more valid Company international toll free countries, as well as any combination of domestic NPAs or states.  The combination of all domestic routing groups defined by the Customer must include the entire U.S. Mainland, and any areas selected by Extended Call Coverage and should exclude any areas blocked by Tailored Call Coverage.   The service group to which calls from a particular originating routing group are to terminate need not be located in that originating routing group. 


·                     ICT Network Call Redirect:  Allows a Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending overflow calls to a pre‑determined alternate routing group (Dedicated Access Termination, Business Line Termination, or Switched WATS Termination) via a Customer-defined Routing Table when the intended call termination is busy.


·                     ICT Network Manager: This feature allows a Customer to access its Voice Services network through a software package which will allow the Customer to design, modify and implement Customer-specific toll free number routing plans and termination features.  The Company will provide verification of permissible routings; however, the Company is not responsible for any errors in call design, modification, or implementing of routing plans caused by the Customer’s use of Network Manager. Customers who subscribe to Network Manager will not incur feature‑related change or cancellation charges. A monthly recurring charge applies.


·                     ICT Percentage Allocation:  Allows the Customer to route calls for each originating routing group, per toll free service number to two or more answering locations based upon a Customer‑designated percentage distribution.  The Customer must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.  The Customer can define up to 99 allocation percentages per time slot.


·                     ICT Real Time ANI:  Real Time ANI (RTANI) allows Customers to receive the telephone number of the calling party as a component of call setup. ANIs can be transmitted via Multi-Frequency (MF), Dual Tone Multi-Frequency (DTMF), or ISDN PRI format.


·                     ICT Tailored Call Coverage: Allows the toll free service Customer to block calls from one or more specific originating areas at the domestic NPA or state level.


·                     ICT Time of Day/Time Interval Routing:  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to forty‑eight (48) time slots in a twenty‑four (24) hour day period.  The time slots must be defined in five minute increments or multiples thereof.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


31.3     ICT Function Charges:  The ICT function charge is based on the functions used on a particular call. The function charge for functions used is applied once per call regardless of the number of times a function is actually used during the call, except that for calls using the Caller Takeback, TNT, and 3 Way TNT functions, the function charge is applied each time the function is used.


The following function charges apply, based on Feature Option 3B:



Rate Per Call



ICT Function




Menu Routing


Message Announcement


Standard Database Routing


Busy/No Answer Rerouting


Announced Connect


Caller Takeback/Giveback


Takeback and Transfer (TNT)


Real Time ANI


Network Call Redirect



31.4     Function Discount:  No discounts will apply to ICT function charges.


31.5     Non-Recurring Charges:


30.5.1  ICT Charges Per Toll Free Number:  The following non-recurring ICT charges will apply:


 ICT Installation







30.5.2  ICT Disconnect Message Referral (DMR):  A non-recurring installation charge of $500 applies


31.6     Monthly Recurring Charges:


30.6.1  Per Toll Free Number:  A $50 charge applies per toll free number.


30.6.2  ICT Network Manager:  A monthly recurring charge of $250 applies per workstation, not to exceed $1000 per Customer per month.


31.7     Usage Charges:


31.7.1  Domestic:  Domestic Usage Rates apply for calls originating in domestic locations.


31.7.2  International:  For calls originating in international locations, Customer will be charged per-minute International Usage Rates.


            Canada:  Customer may use Extended Call Coverage to originate toll free calls at locations in Canada.  The per-minute usage rates set forth in Usage Rates based on origination and termination type, billed in 18-second minimum initial period and additional 6-second increments, will apply per call.


32.       Integrated Network Management Services (INMS):  Access to the Company network to monitor, analyze and control Customer‑specific Company services.  Access is through a Customer provided workstation and a dedicated line connection. 


                                                              Mensual          Installation



Operations Management                         $550                   N/A

(per Customer)


Trouble Management                                700                   N/A

(per Customer)


Configuration Management                       220                   N/A

(per Customer)


Planning and Performance                        300                   N/A

Management (per Customer)




IEC 9.6 kbps Dedicated Access                 225             $1,000

(per line)


33.       Instant/Virtual Ringdown:  A Customer may designate a dedicated access line to have the capability to automatically dial another pre‑defined switched or dedicated location.  Dedicated access usage rates will apply to all calls using this feature.


34.       MCI Customer Center (MCC):  MCI Customer Center features.


35.       Multiple Network Identification:  Allows the Customer to create a sub‑network, using unique 7‑digit and/or 10‑digit dialing plans.  Each sub‑network will be assigned a Network ID number and the Customer can define up to 98 different Network IDs.  The primary network will be defined as the first sub‑network.  A $2500 installation charge per Network ID will apply.


36.       National Toll Free Listing:   Provides up to four different toll-free number listings in the National Toll Free directory per Customer.  Charges apply per toll free number for Feature Option 1 service; the change charge applies per change.



                                                      Mensual       Installation         Cambio


Feature Option 1                           $13.75             $15                  $15


37.       Network Call Redirect (NCR):  Network Call Redirect allows a Customer to control potential congestion of calls by sending overflow calls to a pre‑determined alternate routing group (Dedicated Access Termination, Business Line Termination, or Switched WATS Termination) via a Customer-defined Routing Table when the intended call termination is busy.


37.1     Non-Recurring Charges:  A non-recurring charge of $150 per routing table and a change charge of $50 per routing table will apply.  Neither of these charges may exceed $2400 per month per Customer.


37.2     Recurring Charges:  A monthly recurring charge of $10 per routing table will apply.  This charge may not exceed $2500 per Customer per month.


37.3     Surcharges:  A $0.03 per-call surcharge will apply to each NCR call.


37.4     Usage Charges:  The Customer will be charged a per-minute usage charge for NCR usage from the originating point of a call to the call's final terminating overflow location.


37.4.1  Domestic Usage Charges:  For inbound NCR calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and the U.S. Virgin Islands or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, and for outbound NCR calls from the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands or from the U.S. Mainland to Hawaii, the Customer will be charged the per‑minute rates specified Usage Rates, based on origination and termination type.


37.4.2  International Usage Charges:  For outbound NCR calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminate in selected international locations, the Customer will be charged the per‑minute rates specified in Usage Rates.  For inbound NCR calls which originate in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminate in selected international locations, the Customer will be charged the per‑minute rates specified in Usage Rates.


38.       Network Information Management System (NIMS) Access:  Access to traffic and performance statistics from dedicated access locations, on a "next day" basis.  Access is through a Customer‑provided data terminal with either switched or dedicated line connection.


                                                                       Installation                          Monthly

                                                                     Per Customer                   Per Customer


NIMS                                          $      0                            $300

Switched Access                            500                                30

Dedicated Access                        1000                              225   per line


For Customers who have previously installed NIMS dedicated access, no additional dedicated installation charge will apply.


39.       Voice Services Global Card: Voice Services Global Card, a variation of Voice Services Card Access, is available to Customers who subscribe to Feature Option 3A at a billing location in an international location.   Unless otherwise specified, standard Guide provisions for Card apply.


39.1     Features: Customers of Voice Services Global Card are eligible to receive:  automated calling card access service assistance in languages other than English; invoices for Voice Services Global Card usage in languages other than English; and invoices for Voice Services Global Card usage denominated in foreign currency.


39.2     Usage Charges and Surcharges:


39.2.1  Domestic Usage Charges: Customers will be charged $0.2742 per minute for Voice Services Global Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.


39.2.2  International Usage Charges:  Customers will be charged the per-minute rates set forth in Usage Rates for Voice Services Global Card usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in selected international locations.


39.2.3  Per-Call Surcharges Charges: The following per-call surcharges apply to each Voice Services Card call, other than calls to Directory Assistance, which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI: 




Calls to the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii,

Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, 

Guam and CNMI:                                                                 $0.90


Calls to Canada:                                                                  $0.90


Calls to international locations

other than Canada                                                              $1.75


40.       Percentage Allocation Routing:  Allows the Customer to route calls for each originating routing group, per toll free service number to two or more answering locations based upon a Customer‑designated percentage distribution.  The Customer must establish a call allocation pattern where each percentage is a whole number and the total allocation equals 100 percent.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable. The Customer can define up to 99 allocation percentages per time slot.


41.       Point of Origin Routing:  Allows the Customer to predetermine the terminating point for a call based on the originating point of the call.


                                                                                  Installation                         Monthly

                                                                               Per Customer                 Per Customer


Point of Origin Routing                         $1,000                         $1,000


42.       Private Dialing Plan:  Voice Services Customers can define a private dialing plan for terminating calls as follows:


·                  The 7-Digit Customer‑Defined Private Dialing Plan allows direct termination of calls dialed as 7-digit numbers to Customer locations.  When dialing locations reached via 10-digits or international numbers, the 7-digit Customer-Defined Private Dialing Plan converts the 7-digit number to the appropriate 10-digit or international number.


·                  The 10‑Digit Private Dialing Plan allows for direct termination of calls which are dialed as international numbers in the format of 011 plus the Country Code plus the National Number.


A non-recurring charge of $250 will apply for Private Dialing Plan.


43.       Real Time Automatic Number Identification (ANI):  Enables an Inbound Service Customer to have calls to a Company Toll-Free Service number forwarded to the Customer’s location with the caller’s ANI (ten digit billing telephone number) as part of the call set-up.


44.       Remote Exchange/Virtual FX:  A Customer may establish a local number in a distant city that will be charged Voice Services Dedicated Access usage rates for all calls using the feature to reach the Customer’s designated terminating location.  A Remote Exchange feature charge will be assessed for each dedicated access line that is established with this feature.


45.       Support Pin:  Support PIN offers a service by which Customers of inbound Voice Services service which terminates via T-1 Digital Access may receive calls from the Customer’s Designated End-Users.  The Company will provide Support Pin Customers with a toll free number and 10- to 15-digit PIN code(s) to receive calls which are placed by the Customer’s Designated End-User(s) in locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, and Hawaii. 


45.1     PINs/Units:  Each Support Pin unit equals one minute of domestic calling time.  Support PIN unit charges are rounded to the next higher full minute. PIN balances will be reduced and depleted based upon usage.  The Company may permit Customers to add units (recharge) to unexpired PIN balances.  When a PIN balance of available time is depleted during a call, the call will be terminated unless, at the time of depletion, the Customer recharges the PIN balance.  The number of units per PIN will be determined at the time of the PIN is issued.


45.2     Non-Recurring and Monthly Recurring Charges:  Customers who subscribe to Support PIN will be charged:


·                     a $2,000 per toll free number installation charge;


·                     a $0.02 per PIN charge for each PIN issued per toll free number; and,


·                     a monthly recurring charge per toll free number of $500.00 (excluding traffic reports) or $750.00 (including traffic reports).


45.3     Usage Charges:  In lieu of the per-minute rates set forth in Usage Rates, the following charges will apply:


45.3.1  Domestic:  Customers will be charged $0.25 per minute for inbound Support PIN usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S, Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.


45.4     Volume Discounts


45.4.1  Domestic:  In each monthly period in which a Customer’s domestic Support PIN usage equals or exceeds $25,000 but is less than $50,000, the Customer will receive a credit equal to $0.02 for each minute of the Customer’s domestic toll free Support PIN usage during that monthly period.


In each monthly period in which a Customer’s domestic Support PIN usage equals or exceeds $50,000 but is less than $100,000, the Customer will receive a credit equal to $0.03 for each minute of the Customer’s domestic toll free Support PIN usage during that monthly period.


In each monthly period in which a Customer’s domestic Support PIN usage equals or exceeds $100,000, the Customer will receive a credit equal to $0.04 for each minute of the Customer’s domestic toll free Support PIN usage during that monthly period.


45.5     Other Provisions:  Activated Support Pin PINs are non‑refundable and will expire on the date specified at the time of issuance.


46.       Time of Day/Time Interval Routing:  Allows the Customer to arrange for calls to a single toll free service telephone number to be routed to different locations based on the time of day.  The Customer can establish a different routing arrangement for up to forty‑eight (48) time slots in a twenty‑four (24) hour day period.  The time slots must be defined in five minute increments or multiples thereof.  The Customer must have at least two different locations for this routing feature to be applicable.


47.       Toll Free Guardian Guarantee:  Toll Free Guardian is available only on calls carried on the Company network.  Toll Free Guardian guarantees the Customer to arrange an alternative routing arrangement for domestic inbound Voice Services service.  If a Voice Services Customer is unable to receive inbound calls for any reason, the Company will, at the Customer’s option, provide one of the following services for the toll free number that has experienced the failure:


·                     If the toll free number that is out of service is an 800 Business Line, the Company will reroute traffic to another existing business line; or,


·                     If the toll free number that is out of service is either an 800 Switched WATS Line or an 800 Dedicated Line, the Company will reroute traffic to another existing 800 Business Line, 800 Switched WATS line or 800 Dedicated line; or,


·                     If the Customer does not have another existing toll free termination to accept calls from the affected service, the Company will establish a new business line termination and reroute the affected service to this new temporary alternate line.  The Customer must supply an existing phone number; or,


·                     Regardless of the type of toll free line that is out of service, the Company will reroute to a standardized prerecorded message explaining service conditions and requesting callers to call back later.  This feature is designed solely to explain service conditions and provides no media-related or other information or service.  Calls will terminate after the message.


Toll Free Guardian is available as part of the Feature Option 2 Combined Features Package and is a Base Feature of Option 3B.


47.1     Available Services


47.1.1  MCI Guardian Guarantee:  If a Customer's toll-free service fails for any reason, Company will provide back-up service or issue a credit equal to the monthly service charge.


47.1.2  One-Minute Guardian:  For Customer’s with Alternate Routing, Company will reroute toll-free calls to existing locations within one minute of customer notification.


47.1.3  MCI Vision Guardian Select:  For Customer’s with Alternate Routing, Company will reroute groups of up to 250 different toll-free numbers to an existing location within five minutes of customer notification.


47.1.4  30 Minute Guardian:  Company will reroute toll-free calls within 30 minutes or less if the customer does not have Alternate Routing.


48.       Universal Range Privileges:  A Customer can specify the type of Voice Services calls allowable for users on each Dedicated Access Line group, for each Voice Services Card authorization code, each Dial "1" originating telephone number (ANI), and for each ID Code.  Range Privileges are defined as follows:


                 Range        Privilege


                      0      =    No calls allowed;

                      1      =    Private dialing plan numbers;

                      2      =    All numbers in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska and Hawaii;

                      3      =    All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan locations and in the international locations listed in Table V, Part E; and,

                      4      =    All numbers in domestic North American Numbering Plan locations.


The domestic North American Number Plan locations are all locations in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and CNMI.


49.       Virtual Network Connection:  This feature allows the Customer to originate calls on its network originating from the U.S. Mainland, terminating them on virtual networks in the foreign countries listed below.  Customers selecting this feature must also order the appropriate virtual network service in each host country.


49.1     Feature Option 2:  Effective February 1, 2006, this feature is no longer available to new Customers.  For Customers subscribing to Feature Option 2, the following countries are available for this feature, at the following per-minute rates:


País                                     Dedicated Access          Switched Access


Australia                                          $0.5099                       $0.5573

Belgium                                              0.7166                         0.7648

Brazil                                                  0.8759                         0.9242

Canada                                              0.2675                         0.2819

Chile                                                  0.7648                         0.8123

Colombia                                           0.9382                         0.9852

Finland                                              0.7411                         0.7713

France                                               0.4298                         0.4780

Germany                                            0.4461                         0.4935

Hong Kong                                         0.6054                         0.6528

Ireland                                               0.6692                         0.7166

Italy                                                    0.7329                         0.7803

Japan                                                 0.5254                         0.5736

Korea, Republic of                             0.8759                         0.9242

Netherlands                                       0.4616                         0.5099

New Zealand                                      1.5122                         1.5529

Norway                                               0.4298                         0.4780

Singapore                                          0.5736                         0.6210

Spain                                                 0.8922                         0.9396

Sweden                                              0.3980                         0.4461

Switzerland                                        0.4616                         0.5099

Taiwan                                               0.7264                         0.7762

United Kingdom                                 0.3342                         0.3824


49.2     Feature Option 3A:  Customers subscribing to Feature Option 3A may originate voice data calls via switched access and data calls via Switched Data at 56 kbps and 64 kbps terminating in the following countries. Virtual Network Connection Feature Option 3A is only available through Bell Canada.


49.2.1  Dedicated Access for Voice


País                                                                       Tarifa        


Australia (including Tasmania)                                $0.7762

Belgium                                                                      0.8900

Brazil                                                                          1.0462

Canada                                                                      0.3104

Chile                                                                          1.1187

Colombia                                                                   1.3354

Finland                                                                      0.8217

France                                                                       0.6913

Germany                                                                    0.7523

Hong Kong                                                                 1.3081

Ireland                                                                       0.7297

Italy                                                                            1.0173

Japan                                                                         0.9439

Korea, Republic of                                                     1.3536

Netherlands                                                               0.6975

New Zealand                                                              1.4116

Norway                                                                       0.8346

Singapore                                                                  1.2212

Spain                                                                         1.0597

Sweden                                                                      0.7567

Switzerland                                                                0.8641

Taiwan                                                                       1.4106

United Kingdom    0.6158


49.2.2  Switched Access for Voice


País                                                                     Tarifa         


Australia (including Tasmania)                                $0.8227 

Belgium                                                                      0.9366

Brazil                                                                          1.0928

Canada                                                                      0.3561

Chile                                                                          1.1653

Colombia                                                                   1.4021

Finland                                                                      0.8683

France                                                                       0.7379

Germany                                                                    0.7989

Hong Kong                                                                 1.3547

Ireland                                                                       0.7762

Italy                                                                            1.0638

Japan                                                                         0.9904

Korea, Republic of                                                     1.4003

Netherlands                                                               0.7441

New Zealand                                                              1.4582

Norway                                                                       0.8818

Singapore                                                                  1.2678

Spain                                                                         1.1064

Sweden                                                                      0.8041

Switzerland                                                                0.9107

Taiwan                                                                       1.4570

United Kingdom    0.6624


49.2.3  Switched Access for Data at 56/64 kbps:


             PEAK                    OFF-PEAK       

                               1st 30              Add'l 6              1st 30              Add'l 6

País                 Seconds          Seconds          Seconds          Seconds


Japan                       $1.47               $0.23               $1.06               $0.16





The following table describes the availability of features according to the Feature Option to which the Customer has subscribed.  Features are available as part of Base Features or a Combined Feature Package or on an a la carte basis according to the Feature Option to which the Customer has subscribed.




Número       Función                                             Option 1           Option 2          Option 3A        Option 3B


1                10/15 Digit Restrictions                           n/a                     c                      c                     n/a

2                800 MultiManger                                       a                      a                     n/a                     a

3                Account and Identification

                    Supplementary Codes                           n/a                     a                      a                      a

4                Accounting Codes                                                            

                    Verified                                                  a,c                     a                      a                     n/a

                    Unverified                                               b                      b                      c                     n/a

                    Customer Verified                                   a                     n/a                   n/a                   n/a

5                Alternate Routing                                    n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

6                Automatic Number

                    Identification (ANI)                                   a                      c                     n/a                     a

7                Call Area Selection/

                    Tailored Call Coverage                           c                      a                     n/a                     a

8                Call Detail                                                n/a                     b                      c                      b

9                Calling Station Identification                    n/a                     a                      a                     n/a

10              Consolidated Billing                                  b                      b                      c                      b

11              Cross Corporate Identification

                    Routing                                                 n/a                     c                     n/a                     b

12              Custom Reporting                                   n/a                     a                      a                     n/a

13              Customized Range Privileges                  n/a                     c                      c                     n/a

14              CVNS                                                      n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

15              CVNS Audio Conferencing                      n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

16              Day of Week Routing                                c                      c                     n/a                     c

17              Day of Year/Holiday Routing                     c                      a                     n/a                     a

18              Dialed Number ID Service (DNIS)              a                      a                     n/a                     a

19              Directed Billing                                        n/a                     a                      a                      a

20              Direct Termination Overflow (DTO)          a                     n/a                   n/a                   n/a

21              Disconnect Message

                    Referral (DMR)                                      n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

22              Electronic Billing                                       a                      a                     n/a                   n/a

23              Exchange Routing                                   n/a                     c                     n/a                     c

24              Extended Call Coverage                           a                      c                     n/a                     b

25              Geographic/Point of Call Routing              c                      c                     n/a                     c

26              Global Inbound Service (GIS)                  n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

27              Global Enhanced Call Routing

                    (Global ECR)                                         n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

28              Hierarchy Billing                                        b                      b                      c                     n/a

29              Hosted Interactive Voice

                    Response - Enhanced Call

                    Routing (ECR)                                       n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

31              ICT – Integrated Call Tree                       n/a                   n/a                   n/a                     a

32              Integrated Network Management

                    Services (INMS)                                     n/a                   n/a                   n/a                     a

33              Instant/Virtual Ringdown                          n/a                     a                      a                     n/a

34              MCI Customer Center (MCC)                                            

                     Event Monitor                                       n/a                     a                      a                      a

                     MCI Perspective Plus                           n/a                     a                      a                      a

                     Network Manager                                 n/a                     a                      a                      a

                     MCI Outbound Network Manager         n/a                     a                      a                      a

                     Traffic Monitoring                                 n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

                     Traffic Reporting                                  n/a                     a                     n/a                     a

35              Multiple Network Identification                 n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

36              National Toll Free Listing                          a                      c                     n/a                     b

37              Network Call Redirect (NCR)                   n/a                     a                      a                      a

38              Network Information Management

                    System (NIMS) Access                          n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

39              Voice Services

                    Global Card                                           n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

40              Percentage Allocation Routing                  c                      c                     n/a                     c

41              Point of Origin Routing                            n/a                   n/a                     a                     n/a

42              Private Dialing Plan                                 n/a                     a                      a                     n/a

43              Real Time Automatic Number

                    Identification (ANI)                                   a                     n/a                     a                     n/a

44              Remote Exchange/Virtual FX                   n/a                     a                      a                     n/a

45              Support PIN                                             n/a                     a                     n/a                   n/a

46              Time of Day/Time Interval Routing            c                      c                     n/a                     c

47              Toll Free Guardian Guarantee                n/a                     c                     n/a                     b

48              Universal Range Privileges                     n/a                   n/a                     c                     n/a

49              Virtual Network Connection                     n/a                     a                      a                     n/a


For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:


a    =    A la carte

b    =    Base Features

c    =    Combined Feature Package

n/a =    Not Available