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Frame Relay Services


As of January 2, 2009, Frame Relay Services are no longer available to Customers who are not already receiving Frame Relay Services from Company.  Effective February 1, 2013, existing Frame Relay customers cannot renew their Frame Relay Service nor obtain “MAC” (Move/Add/Change) services for Frame Relay.


I.          SERVICE DESCRIPTION:  A high speed packet data service accessible at speeds of 56 kbps to 44.7 Mbps, which provides customers with a capability to connect locations with port connections via Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) for data transmission.


Access to this service is via one of the following methods:


DS-0 / DS-1 Digital Local Access

E-1 Digital Local Access

High Speed Access / nxDS-1




Integrated Access


There are two components for Frame Relay Services: Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) y ports:


1.       Ports:  U.S. Mainland and Hawaii ports are available at speeds specified in the rate tables provided in the Rates and Charges Section IV.1.1.1.  Port speeds of 1.536 Mbps and higher may not be available from every Point-of-Presence (POP)


2.         Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs):  Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) are provided on a simplex (one-directional) basis, which permits Customer to define CIR to accommodate both originating and terminating traffic requirements.  Full two-way (duplex) communications requires the use of two simplex PVCs. Committed Information Rates (CIR) above 1.536 Mbps are available for PVCs in the U.S. Mainland only.  U.S. Mainland and Hawaii PVCs are available at the CIRs specified in the rate tables in the Rates and Charges Section IV.1.1.2.A.


II.               DEFINITIONS:  In addition to the Online Definitions, the following apply:


·          Committed Information Rate (CIR):  The average minimum data rate the network will allocate to a Permanent Virtual Circuit under normal operating conditions.


·          Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC):  A logical Customer dedicated communications path defined between two port connections.


·          Port:  A frame relay port connection provides the physical interface into the network and provides the logical termination of PVCs assigned to that port.  Port capacity or speed represents the highest attainable data rate into or out of the location at any point in time.




1.         Features:  The following features are available to Option 2 Frame Relay Services Customers on a per-PVC basis.


1.1       Peak Information Rate (PIR):  Peak Information Rate (PIR) allows Customer to limit bursting on a PVC by capping the allowable bandwidth to a Customer-specified limit. 


1.2       Priority PVC:   Priority PVC enables Customer to manage Frame Relay Services traffic by prioritizing Frame Relay Services traffic types on a per-PVC basis.


1.3       PVC Redirect:  PVC Redirect enables the redirection of all (or portions) of the PVCs in Customer’s network to a predetermined backup site upon Customer request via a disaster recovery plan.


1.4       Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC):  Verizon Enterprise Center features.


2.         Options:


2.1       Economy Frame Relay Service is not available to new Customers.


2.2       Frame Relay “Test Drive” Guarantee:  Frame Relay “Test Drive Guarantee is not available to Customers who receive service under a contract for Frame Relay Service executed after November 30, 2003.


2.3       Metro Frame Relay:  As of January 23, 2006, Metro Frame Relay is no longer available for new Customers.


2.4       Proactive Notification




1.         Monthly Recurring Port and PVC Charges:


1.1       Domestic Monthly Recurring Charges:  


1.1.1    Port Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply to ports in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.


A.         Verizon Business Services (VBS) III Charges


B.         VBS II Charges


C.        VBS I Charges


D.        Pre-VBS I Charges


1.1.2    PVC Charges:  The following monthly recurring charges apply to PVCs in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii.


A.         Fixed PVC Option:


A.1       VBS III Charges


A.2       VBS II Charges


A.3       VBS I Charges


A.4       Pre-VBS I Charges


B.         Usage PVC Option:  The following charges apply for Customers who subscribe to Frame Relay Services Usage PVC Option.


B.1       Per-Megabyte Charges:  The following per megabyte of usage, or portion thereof, charges apply per monthly period per PVC, based on traffic type:


Traffic Type                                   Charge


Non-Discard Eligible                      $0.085

Discard Eligible                                0.069


B.2       Minimum Charge Cap Billing:  The monthly recurring per-megabyte per-PVC charge for PVCs billed under the Usage PVC Option may not be less than the minimum charge and may not exceed the “Cap” charge per PVC specified in the following rate tables, based on CIR:


VBS III, VBS II, VBS I, Pre-VBS I Monthly Recurring Charges


C.        Zero CIR PVC Option:  A $0.069 monthly recurring charge applies per megabyte of usage, or portion thereof, per monthly period per PVC, based on traffic type, for Customers who subscribe to Services Zero CIR PVC Option except that, if in any monthly period a Customer’s per-PVC usage charges fail to equal or exceed $5, a $5 monthly recurring charge applies in lieu of per-megabyte charges.  


1.2       International Monthly Recurring Charges:  Unless specified otherwise in Customer’s contract with the Company, the following monthly recurring charges apply to PVCs between (i) ports in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and (ii) ports in international locations:


1.2.1   U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico Ports: The following monthly recurring per-PVC charges apply to PVCs between (i) ports in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, and (ii) ports in the following locations:


A.         VBS III Charges


B.         VBS II Charges


C.        VBS I Charges


D.        Pre-VBS I Charges


1.2.2    Guam Ports:  The following monthly recurring per-PVC charges apply to PVCs between (i) ports in Guam, and (ii) ports in the following locations:


A.         VBS III Charges


B.         VBS II Charges


C.        VBS I Charges


D.        Pre-VBS I Charges


2.         Feature Charges:


2.1      Peak Information Rate (PIR):   A non-recurring $20 charge applies for installation and each reconfiguration per PVC.


2.2      Priority PVC:   A non-recurring $20 per PVC charge applies for installation and each reconfiguration per PVC.


2.3      PVC Redirect:   A $12 per-PVC monthly recurring charge applies.   A non-recurring $1,000 charge applies for implementation of one or more disaster recovery plans during a 24-hour period per Customer.  


3.         Other Charges:


3.1       Domestic Port Installation/Reconfiguration Charges:  The following non-recurring installation/de-installation/reconfiguration charges apply per port in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, based on port speed:


Port Speed (kbps)                     Charge


56/64                                           $  50

128 – 1,024                                   100

1,536                                             200

Greater than 1,536                        600


3.2       International PVC Installation Charges:  A $25 non-recurring per-PVC installation charge applies to PVCs between: (i) ports in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam and ports in international locations; and, (ii) ports in international locations.


3.3       Administrative Nonrecurring Charges apply. 


3.4       Customer Support Services


3.5       FUSF y CCRC apply.


3.6       Convenience Payment Charge applies.


3.7       Administrative Expense Fee applies.



V.         TERMS AND CONDITIONS:  El Online Master Terms - Terms and Conditions of Service apply.




1.         Service Level Agreement applicable to Frame Relay Service ordered by Customers on or after October 1, 2002.


2.         Service Level Guarantee applicable to Frame Relay Service ordered by Customers on or after November 1, 2001 and prior to October 1, 2002.


3.         Service Level Guarantee applicable to Frame Relay Service ordered by Customers prior to November 1, 2001.