4 Must-Have Gadgets for a High-Tech Apartment

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Whether you’re looking for that brand new apartment on the top floor with the best view or you settled for something a bit well... older so to speak, turning it into a high-tech haven of gadgets is actually pretty simple.

Here’s 4 connected solutions to bring any apartment to the next level that save you time and money.

Wemo Home Automation

Lets face it, we all pretty much have our phone (or phones?) glued to our hand at all time’s so why not take full advantage of it? The Wemo Home Automation Solution from Belkin lets you control everything from your air conditioning, lights, and TV to your coffee maker, crock pot and shower. Best part is, Belkin offers starter sets to help build your way up to being a complete connected home guru.


Keeping with the theme of mobile, phones have been replacing pretty much everything we used to keep in our pockets starting with wallets and purses. Well, CalypsoKey is the solution that replaces your keys. Not only can you open doors with a simple tap of your phone, no apps are necessary to do so. Learn more about how they use Dual-Band RFID technology to eliminate the “ I lost my key’s..again” problem we've all faced.


To turn off the air conditioner before I leave for the day and come back to an inferno when I’m home or leave it on and waste precious energy and money. Quirky ends this debate. This smart air conditioner uses your location, schedule, usage, and monthly budget to decide what temp is right for you automatically, all from your phone. Oh and it’s cheaper than a traditional air conditioner. Check it out!

Sonos Wireless HiFi Sound System

Finally, what’s a connected apartment without great music. Whether you have a 1 room studio or a pad with multiple rooms, this product from Sono’s is a game changer. Right from your phone or tablet you’ll be able to control music from Spotify, Pandora, SiriusXM radio and more in every room. Not only that, you’ll be able to set songs to play simultaneously in each room or pick 4 different songs for 4 different rooms to play. Check it out here.

Verizon FiOS has teamed up with the home decor experts to celebrate #Techoration, or the art of decorating with technology. If you're planning to move, now's the time to start techorating!


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