Verizon Privacy Notice

About our ads

About interest-based advertising

You may see third-party advertisements on Verizon websites, services, apps and devices, and see Verizon ads on others’ sites, services, apps and devices. These ads may be tailored for you based on information that we or companies acting on our behalf collect on Verizon properties and across the other sites and apps where these advertising entities also are present.

To accomplish this, advertising entities (such as ad servers, ad networks or technology platforms including Verizon Media) place and access cookies and similar technologies on browsers you use and access advertising identifiers from your mobile device operating systems. Information about your activities on the websites and in the apps where the entities are present can be combined and used to determine whether you fall into an audience advertisers wish to reach.

Advertising that is customized based on information about your visits over time and across different websites, apps and devices is known as "interest-based" advertising. In accordance with industry self-regulatory principles, we require that advertising companies disclose when they are using interest-based advertising techniques to deliver interest-based ads on our sites and apps as well as when they deliver Verizon ads on other sites. We also require them to offer you an ability to opt out of this use of your information. The Digital Advertising Alliance enforces responsible privacy practices for users and providers of interest-based advertising. These practices include offering enhanced transparency and control to consumers.

Your Choices

You can visit the industry-wide Digital Advertising opt out page to learn more and opt out. In addition, you will see an Ad Choices Icon icon in or around online advertisements placed using interest-based advertising techniques. You can click on the icon to learn more and opt out. Similarly, you can opt out of advertising entities by using your device advertising identifiers and selecting "Limit Ad Tracking" or "Opt out of Interest-Based Ads” from your device settings page.

Información adicional

Verizon’s Privacy Policy provides more information about these and other Verizon advertising programs and the choices you have about participating.