8 qualities that make veterans a great fit for Verizon

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8 qualities that make Veterans a great fit for Verizon

1. You can handle any mission.

You’ve already excelled at taking on any challenge thrown your way, whether it’s handling a deployment, relocating your family or heading into combat. Your adaptability and perseverance make you a great fit for our ranks.

2. Learning is second nature to you.

A lot of what you learned in the barracks and on the battlefield translates to a career with us. You already excel in a fast-paced environment—now move into a new one.

3. You embrace diversity.

Being part of the military has exposed you to a variety of backgrounds and experiences. You’re a natural when it comes to learning about and communicating with different cultures. You’ll fit in perfectly in a supportive, collaborative workplace where you can engage with novel ideas and different points of view.

4. Your values align with ours.

Integrity, respect, accountability, performance—sound familiar? Our values are strikingly similar to the ones you needed in the armed forces. Just as the military has principles that hold its troops to high standards, we set the bar high for ourselves.

5. You get the job done.

Your leadership and commitment mean you stick with your assignment until it’s complete. You understand what drives a 24/7 organization like ours, and you’re not intimidated by sticking to a task until the job is done right.

6. You have the technical skills to keep our command centers humming.

You’ve seen firsthand how technology can boost performance. You’re already up on the latest tech trends, so your know-how will fit right in.

7. You’re a team player.

“Semper fi” may be the Marines’ official motto, but “always faithful” could apply to service members from any branch of the armed forces. This type of loyalty and teamwork directly translates to the way we operate. We know you’ll always work diligently and have your colleagues’ backs no matter what.

8. Your professionalism and accountability shine through no matter what station you’re staffing.

Service members are seasoned by their experiences. You’ve learned what it means to accept responsibility and become a true professional in every sense of the word. We want employees like you—who can lead, mentor and collaborate—regardless of the challenge.

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