8 quotes from "Spectrum Wednesday" that show how Capitol Hill is thinking about spectrum

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It was Spectrum Wednesday on Capitol Hill yesterday, when both chambers held hearings discussing the importance of spectrum to consumers, the economy, and our national competitiveness. The House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology held its hearing, “Improving Federal Spectrum Systems,” while at the same time, the Senate Commerce Committee held its “Removing Barriers to Wireless Broadband Deployment” hearing.

Instead of recapping the sessions, here are a few quotes that convey how policymakers are thinking about spectrum policy:

From the House Hearing

“Though there are many hurdles to overcome in clearing and reallocating federally held spectrum, we’ve proven it can be done with great success.”

- Rep. Greg Walden, R-OR

“Whether you use it to browse apps or news articles on your mobile phone, or you’re a first responder, just trying to get resources to an emergency situation, we all rely on [spectrum].”

- Rep. Brett Guthrie, R-KY

“The consumers' insatiable demand for wireless service is a critical engine driving our economy and this engine is powered by spectrum.”

- Rep. Frank Pallone, Jr., D-NJ

“It’s not just our phones, or our tablets; we are moving towards a world of connected cars, connected homes, connected lives. … It is our job to make sure that these consumers and these innovators have the spectrum they need.”

- Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-NY

“… we need a plan, a spectrum pipeline for the future that fits with consumer expectations and also ensures a seamless user experience.”

- Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-CA

From the Senate Hearing

“Opening more spectrum for commercial use can bring in revenue to pay down our national debt and fund other priorities.”

Sen. John Thune, R-SD

“We are all here because Americans’ demand for – and reliance on – wireless broadband services seems to know no bounds.”

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-FL

“Every large ag piece of equipment going into the North American market today is going out equipped with a 3G modem.  In the future it’ll be 4G and in the future 5.”

- Cory Reed, Deere & Company (witness)

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