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Hans Vestberg keynotes the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show

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Editor’s note: The following transcript reflects remarks during the keynote delivered by Hans Vestberg, chief executive officer and executive chairman of the board of Verizon Communications. The full video replay is also available at the top of this page.


GARY SHAPIRO [CTA PRESIDENT AND CEO]: Thank you and welcome to CES 2019. You know, at this year's CES one of the very big themes is 5G. What will fifth generation wireless communications mean for consumer technology or indeed the whole tech sector? What will it mean for our economy and for our world? Our featured speaker is uniquely qualified to talk about the 5G future. That's because he was recently named CEO of the first company to deploy 5G in the United States, Verizon.

[Cheers and applause.]

GARY SHAPIRO: When Hans Vestberg was named Verizon's CEO back in August, a lot of people saw that as an affirmation of the company's deep commitment to  5G. Hans had previously been Verizon's Chief Technology Officer and he had a global network where he was focused on leading the transition from 4G LTE to 5G. As CEO he'll be in an even better position to accelerate that shift towards faster more powerful networks. This is going to be exciting. I've known for some time that this was going to be one of the highlights of the 2019 CES. Well, let's bring him out now because he's got a lot to show you.

[Music] (Applause)


GARY SHAPIRO: Thank you.

HANS VESTBERG: Woo! Great to be here. Consumer Electronics Show. And do the thing that I love the most. Talk about 5G. Last year Verizon brought the first 5G network in the world with 5G home. And there's so much more to come from 5G this year and the years to come. 5G will change. It will change everything. [Music] (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: So this is everything we're going to see in the future that's going to be transformed by 5G. The pace of technology change we've seen in the last decades has been fast. The only thing we know for sure it's even going to be faster in the future. We're going to see a technology change that is going to transform people, businesses, and society. We're facing multiple challenges on this earth in our daily work and life. Things around us. Climate change. And we're heading into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

When we think about all of these challenges, we think about Fourth Industrial Revolution together with 5G and together with all of the new technologies like the acronyms like VR, AR, AI, whatever we can talk about, all that together is really what we're talking about when it comes to the change, the technology change, that is inevitable that we're going to see in the future.

For us all here, it's really to see that we are using this change and shape it in a direction that's actually transforming and doing good. And that's what we're going to talk about today, the 5G which is the next era of technology advancement. It's going to be built on 5G. But let us go back a little bit in history and think about how we talk about this Fourth Industrial Revolution and I'm not going to do a history lesson about that but I think the most important is that in a different Industrial Revolution, the first one was the steam engine, the second one was electricity, and the third one was digitization, all of them have a general purpose technology as a base. And then you innovate on it the steam engine of course the steam boats connecting continents. Trade was starting. Electricity, yeah you think about how much that changed and of course digitalization that brought all of the PC computers, the Internet and all of that. Enormous transformation.

The general purpose technology Fourth Industrial Revolution is actually the biggest sort of connectivity that 5G can bring. And that's what I see as the huge opportunity for all of us and for our society to use in the next era of technology transformation.

So what is 5G? 5G is a promise of so much more than we've ever seen on any wireless technology. From the beginning we had the 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G they were sort of leaps of differences when it comes to speed and through-put when we think about 5G we think about 10 gigabits per second for through-put and 10X battery life. We think about a thousand times more data volumes in the networks. It's just radically different. I would say a --I would say it's a quantum leap compared to 4G. That's what we want to talk about today.

We have already done some real types of examples. We had an Indianapolis 500 driver that has blacked out windows driving extremely fast with 5G. The latency was so low he could actually drive it. Those type of things require innovation. And innovation requires a lot of different people and things working with that. When I think about technology, I also think a lot about how that can do good for our society. We're entering an era of more challenging things around the world. And the technology is one of the most important things when we can transform and make it sustainable. At Verizon, we call that Humanability. We are coining that word. Because we think about the human in the middle of technology to do right. I just want to show you a little bit what we mean by Humanability. [Music].

VIDEO: The turning points in human history have all been about things. The Industrial Revolution was about machines. The space age was about science and rockets. The information age was about computers and data. But now we are entering the Age of Humans. Truly magnificently, utterly powered by people. Where people will be able to do anything they dream of. Children learning of atoms by seeing inside atoms. Doctors performing surgeries from miles away. The ability to see the invisible, to play, to learn, to live, to work the way one only different. Because with 5G ultra wideband -- dreamed of. Because technology is not only about what technology can do but about what people can do with it. [Music] (Applause)

HANS VESTBERG: So -- thank you. So when I think about 5G, one of the big differences, when the design started with 5G, it was thought about giving new type of solution for industries and not only industries for society. Ultimately consumers will have it. As I said the capability of earlier versions of wireless technology usually had speed and through-put as the different capabilities. We have eight capabilities in 5G. I call them the eight currencies. And the eight currencies in 5G, they are sort of what you can do service on them, you can monetize on them, you can build on them. Very different from any previous wireless technology.

There's the peak rate of course. There's the through-put. Mobile data volumes. But it's also the mobility which I will talk about. It's also how many connected devices you can have. Energy efficiency. To continue with service deployment. And of course reliability and latency. So eight currencies that 5G can give to the user. If it's a device or if it's a person or an industry, that's depends on how we're going to innovate on that. Important is of course that we have already started a journey.

Verizon started years ago to start building a network because you need a lot of fiber. You need a lot of dense networks to build these eight currencies. You need real estate to do mobile edge computing, not only that, you need spectrum in some cases you need millimeter wave spectrum. That's giving enormous through-put and bandwidth and that's what we'll talk about today. And what I'm excited about is of course what innovation can we do on these currencies. So let's start talking about the first currencies that we have here. And I will talk about the peak rates and the through-put and of course they are extremely important when it comes to doing things with speed and the first thing that you will come to mind is quick downloads and moving on 5G.

Of course -- a movie on 5G. Of course on 4G it takes you three to four minutes with a 90 minute video or movie it's going to take you 10 seconds when you have ultra wideband. That's a use case. But that's to limit your -- that's not to limit yourself what you can do with it because there's so much more you can do when you have that type of speed and through-put it's a quantum leap compared to what we have today. I asked two iconic American companies to talk about how they can use it and how they view 5G. Very different from thinking about that you can download quicker. Because this is how we need to challenge ourselves to use these currencies to actually create something very new and transformative in the world we live in today. So the first iconic American company we have is the New York Times. I have the pleasure of inviting to the stage Mark Thompson, the CEO of New York Times. Mark, please come up on the stage. (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: Hey Mark. Good seeing you. Excited to talk about 5G? 

MARK THOMPSON: I am. We're now going to move from a Swedish-English to British-English without latency.

HANS VESTBERG: Seamless translation.

MARK THOMPSON:  So Hans thank you for inviting me to join you up here to talk about our shared plans for 5G this year. Pretty much every company nowadays claims they are in the business of storytelling. But in the case of the New York Times, it's actually true. The Times exists to tell stories. To tell the stories the world wants and needs to hear. Once as you all know we did it with just paper and ink but today we try to use every any digital display every display new advance new piece of -- to bring our stories to life, which is why we pioneered the use of VR, AR, and Smart Phone infographics for serious journalism.

Yes it's why we launched the Daily which brings Times journalism to nearly 8,000 people a month. That's why we're about to launch our first major TV Consumer Electronics Show, the Weekly on cable and OTT. And also why we're so excited about the storytelling potential of 5G and about the collaboration we're announcing today between the Times and Verizon. This January with Verizon support we're launching a new journalism 5G lab at the Times. This lab will be based in our main newsroom and it will work very closely with Times journalists in New York City across America and around the world and partner with Verizon's open innovation group and get early access to 5G technology and equipment and we'll use those resources to experiment not just in lab conditions but in the field with real reporters and live news.

We believe that the speed and lack of latency of 5G can spark a revolution in digital journalism in two ways. First by transforming the wade our journalists gather the news allowing them to capture richer more immersive media and deliver their stories with much greater immediacy and second by bringing that rich and more immediate journalism to audiences instantaneously and in the form they want and need it.

Previous revolutions in mobile networks and devices have led to many unexpected sometimes counterintuitive break-throughs and 5G will be no exception. That's why the Times and Verizon have opted for the lab and the path of experimentation. So in a way the full fruit of this collaboration you'll have to wait for next year's CES. But let me give you a flavor of what we hope to achieve using stories we published this past fall in the 4G era. With this showing the aftermath after the wildfires in California you can see we weave text and photographs and AR together to put the user into the heart of the story. 5G will enable us to take this storytelling to the next level. 

Remember while this piece took many, many hours of painstaking graphics production in New York, we're aiming to deliver incredibly rich 5G journalism from the field as the news happens. So that's the first gain we're hoping to make, many I can't say see. Fast reactions are critical in classical breaking news scenarios but speed is important to pretty much every story and opinion piece we publish. 

Now, 5G should also enable us to bring rich multimedia to many more of our stories, more photos, more graphics, more video. More AR and VR more sound. And more innovation within each of those media. The best journalism has always tried to give the readers a sensation of witnessing the news themselves.

Being as close to the story as the story. 5G should bring that ambition a big step closer to reality. The lab will also combine 5G technology with machine learning to optimize story order and the expression of stories themselves to max the -- to match the preferences and needs of individual end users.

Location, time of day, mood state, and prior consumption can all be used to make the experience more relevant and valuable. Potentially with much of this personal data remaining securely on the user's device rather than disappearing who knows where. Times user tell us they never want to hand over ultimate user choices to machines but we recognize that 5G devices will be the most personal devices ever created. This new lab and our new partnership with Verizon should enable us to discover how to harness the personal power of 5G for news.

And finally, once widely adopted, 5G should also transform the potential for citizen journalism and the crowdsource reporting views of news. The new lab will help to unlock that potential and to solve the challenges of verification and authenticity that have dogged user generated content in the past. So as you can hear we believe we're at the start of something really big the next chapter in the story of quality digital news. As we set out on this new journalistic adventure I can't think of any company we would rather be partnering with than Verizon. So thank you, Hans, for a chance to join you up here on the stage today and thanks to all of you for listening. Thank you. (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you, Mark. This is the type of thinking we need in 5G when we bring out this currency we need to think different to how we used to so we are really innovating and using it for the technology and for building. I promised you two iconic American companies here the second one I'll introduce is Walt Disney Studios the CTO Jamie Voris will be explaining how they will use 5G. Jamie, please come on stage. (Applause).

JAMIE VORIS: Thanks very much. Hi everybody. You know it's really an honor to be here today representing the Walt Disney Studios and our iconic family of brands. Disney, Marvel, Pixar and Lucas because we have a really extraordinary history of in our studio from 1937 when Walt and his team created the multi-plane camera which for the first time made the illusion of three dimensional reality in an animated film for Snow White and Seven Dwarfs to 1977 when we pioneered motion camera to Star Wars to 1995 when Pixar forever changed our industry with the release of Toy Story the world's first feature length computer animated film all the way through to last year's Avengers Affinity War when our Disney Studios Research Team used the Medusa jean technology helped to create Thanos so realistic that they were granted technical achievement award this year for their work.

As CTO the best part of my job is working with technical teams to identify emerging trends and identify how they might have the ability to market our films it's about giving filmmakers early access to innovation to continue to bring unparalleled experiences to audiences around the world from mixed reality to real-time graphic engines AI and ML to fifth generation mobile networks we believe that technology has the potential to fundamentally change everything about how entertainment media is created and consumed. As a result a few months ago we launched a new Innovation Center and program called studio lab. Housed on the historic Disney Studios lot in Burbank studio lab is our hub for development of the next generation of film and content technologies.

Our Board of Directors is the creative and technical heads of all of our production studios which just think about that for a second the best filmmakers and technologists from Walt Disney pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios marvel studios Pixar and Lucasfilms along with partners at ILM and X lab and Disney research all coming together to make the impossible possible. In just six months studio lab has hosted more than 2,000 industry executives and creatives and currently have more than 25 active projects in our innovation pipeline, everything from increasing the speed at which our animated films are rendered to improving the way we handle complex datasets for visual effect shots to developing software so our location Scouts can use drones to find the best places to shoot our films.

Studio lab is a big swing for us and I think one that really speaks to Disney's commitment to technology and innovation. That said, a huge part of our studio lab strategy is to work with world class partners because we recognize that we can't do all of this on our own as good as we are at storytelling we're definitely not telecommunications experts that's why we look to the leader in this space I'm very proud to announce you may have seen this morning that Verizon has joined studio lab as a core innovation partner. (Applause).

Thank you. 5G is going to change a lot about our business, everything from how we connect to our production facilities around the world to how we deliver our movies to cinemas and that's why we're so excited to have the opportunity to work with the leader in wireless telecommunications technology and services to make it happen. Our teams have already started working together on a joint innovation platform that includes amazing projects like 5G enabled cloud based production workflows. Connectivity for digital movie posters. And live volumetric performance capture and streaming of animated characters to cinemas. 5G is going to be huge and we're so excited to be able to work with Verizon to create the future. So hopefully you'll all come back and see us next year and we can talk about all of the great things we have created together. So thanks, Hans, and thanks, everybody, at Verizon. (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you. It's great to have two of these partners rethinking how you can use the speed and through-put and I talked about speed come up to 10 gigabits per second through-puts probably 1,000 times more than we have today I'm excited about those two currencies. There are other currencies; if we continue with the two other currencies: mobility and connected devices. So mobility or mobile connections. That's actually how it's measured in speed in 4G today you can basically capture a radio signal up to 350 kilometers per hour. In 5G it's roughly 500 kilometers per hour. So why does that matter? Think about high speed trains. Think about things that are going to move extremely fast in the future. That's going to be efficient transportation then you can capture that 5G network, as well. When it comes to IOT and connected devices, one of the limitations of wireless technologies today is you can roughly connect 100,000 devices per square kilometers in 4G. In 5G you can do 1 million.

And suddenly you can -- you can have a massive IOT in order to transform businesses, industries or behaviors where we actually need to address challenges we have today. These two currencies also are very different and also of course addressing different business cases. One way to show this is to invite a partner or a company in our family of Verizon which is Skyward, and I would like to bring on the stage Mariah who is not only the President she's also a commercial drone pilot. So Mariah, please come up on stage. (Applause)

MARIAH SCOTT: Thank you. I'm so excited to talk about drones. At Skyward, we live and breathe drones every day. Helping our customers accomplish critical new tasks at the same time that we're engineering the future. A future in which aerial robots will be essential to our urban and our rural infrastructure. Now, before I geek out on this, I should point out that when Skyward was founded, it was illegal to fly commercial drones in the U.S. Now, founding a company based on an illegal business model might not seem like a great idea. But in 2016 the FAA legalized drones for commercial use. And today there are over 1 million Federally registered drones in the U.S. and over 100,000 licensed commercial drone pilots, including me.

So here we are. And this is how our customers are using drones to change the way they do business today. Florida Power & Light, a utility company for power restoration. Brass field and gory in construction. Stand tech in engineering services like surveying and PBS engineering. And in telecommunications with Verizon where we use drones to inspect our own network infrastructure and to conduct R&D. Together with companies like NBC in media and SunPower in energy, these customers are truly leading the way. Today only 10% of major enterprises have a drone program. And none of them are connected to a wireless network. We knew early on that connectivity would be critical for drones to truly transform our world. And now 5G ultra wideband will usher in a new era in aviation. Where we connect and integrate drones into the national airspace.

Today I'm announcing Verizon's commitment to be the first to connect 1 million drone flights to the 5G network. Allowing drones to become a key part of how companies reimagine their business in a 5G world. We've already started testing connected drones on 5G on the Verizon Network. But more about that later. First I would like to show you how one of our customers, southern company, is using drones today to reimagine their business. Southern is a utility in the southeastern United States serving over 9 million customers and over 27,000 miles of distribution lines. That's a few thousand more miles than the circumference of the earth.

Drones help Southern maintain all of that infrastructure. Faster and for much less money than a helicopter or manual inspection. Drones can safely go places that people can't. And with the thermal image sensor they can also see things that we can't like an overloaded circuit. To prevent issues.  

Let's take a look.


MARIAH SCOTT: I love working with our customers. (Applause).

They do such amazing things. Skyward helps companies today with automation flight planning and real- time access to airspace. But as you saw in the video, Corey still has to be onsite to fly. And the whole operation is still manual. Not for long. 5G will transform the way Corey uses drones.

That's because 5G offers low latency, high bandwidth, and security. The foundational elements required for autonomous flights. When drone flights are connected to the Verizon Network, we will have digital access to the physical world at scale. Corey will be able to deploy hundreds or even thousands of drones to inspect Southern's 27,000 miles of transmission lines. And receive real-time reports. As often as necessary. And I bet we can get a glimpse of that 5G future right now. Hans, would you mind coming back out here for a minute.

HANS VESTBERG: Yeah I'm on my way. Hey, I'm back. Let's conduct a test flight from right here in the auditorium.

MARIAH SCOTT: I have a remote pilot, a remote crew standing by in Los Angeles and Hans you have the controls to the aircraft right here on this iPad. Are you ready to fly the drone?

HANS VESTBERG: No but yes. (Chuckles).

MARIAH SCOTT: Go ahead and press the launch button. >>

HANS VESTBERG: Where are we flying?

MARIAH SCOTT: We are flying in Los Angeles. We're going to be testing 5G performance.

HANS VESTBERG: Perfect. I push there.

MARIAH SCOTT: Push the launch button. Now I should point out we are actually flying an aircraft but don't worry, I'm a licensed pilot. I can safely supervise Hans.

HANS VESTBERG: I'm supervised.

MARIAH SCOTT: And make sure that he pressed the button. You can see our remote pilot in command Tariq is on the ground in Los Angeles. He's been testing 5G performance over the last month. And we are thrilled with the through-put that we are seeing. You can see the speed test we're getting over 900 megabits per second. It's amazing through-put. (Applause). 

HANS VESTBERG: That's good.

MARIAH SCOTT: That's good. Under current regulations, Tariq is in control of the operation but you can see that he's not flying the drone. Using Skyward, we have programmed the route that we wanted to fly and Hans you flew the drone.

HANS VESTBERG: I'm proud of myself. (Chuckles).

MARIAH SCOTT: When the drone finishes its flight plan it will land itself. Thanks for your help. Let me know the next time you want to fly.

HANS VESTBERG: Thanks very much, great, Mariah, thank you. (Applause)

MARIAH SCOTT: While the drone finishes its flight plan, I can talk about what's really interesting with 5G and drones. Now, it's cool to fly a drone in Los Angeles from a stage in Vegas. But the ability to gather data and analyze it in real-time is what will really change the way business gets done. This is the promise of 5G. Today our partners are already providing valuable analytics. And with 5G we'll be able to do this instantly. You see here unleash live applying artificial intelligence to drone imagery for damage assessment after a fire. For traffic flow analysis. For people flow analysis. And for speed tracking and visualizing data trends. And with our partner Drone Deploy, we can see how construction companies use drones to create accurate high resolution maps, reports and 3D models for analysis including thermal mapping and 3D volumetric analysis. 5G connected drones will be able to deliver these business insights back to the office in real-time.

But it won't stop there. With 5G, managing the airspace will look a lot like managing the network. We will deliver aviation grade connectivity and fleet management services that allow our customers to safely and efficiently manage flying sensors on the edge of the network. More than flying sensors, these aerial robots will also transport us to work and ship cargo and vital supplies to remote locations as well as to our doorsteps. What would your life look like if you could take to the sky and never be stuck in traffic again? (Applause) 

At Verizon and Skyward, we're building the infrastructure and services that will unlock these new opportunities for innovation that we're just beginning to dream of. Verizon's investment in 5G makes it possible to take to the sky with that same network intelligence we trust on the ground. Connecting us to each other and transforming the way we see the world. You can learn more and join us at flywithSkyward.com. Thank you.

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you, Mariah. (Applause) 

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you very much. So we heard about how the connectivity sort of -- and mobile speeds are important. Let me now continue with two other currencies. Or capabilities.

Whatever you want to say. Service deployment and energy efficiency. Service deployment is a little bit hard to explain. But what it's really about is the flexible service deployment where we can match a software with a specific customer need. Think about you want to do a virtual classroom between five different cities and you want them to have the same software. Today on a 4G network that would take me probably weeks up to months. The promise of 5G, that can go down to minutes, maybe to max hours. Where we can spin a new service based on a software demand from a customer. Enormous changes. And again, we just need to think how can we innovate on that.

The other is of course energy efficiency and here you can say that the word is -- the world is facing the challenges of climate change and everything and our industry of course needs to think about all of the equipment we're using, everything we're using actually should improve how much CO2 emission we're doing. There's a lot of things coming out in telematics things have already started. IOT. We just need to continue. And we need to do that collectively. 5G is promising to reduce up to 90% of the power usage that we have today. Which is enormously much. And that's why this becomes even more important how we can address some of the bigger challenges like climate change, et cetera, by using the technology and of course making the Fourth Industrial Revolution a positive change.

The first and second Industrial Revolution they used a lot of the CO2 emission because there were the Steam engines, the electricity and all of that. So here we have a chance together to actually empower and uniquely address those two, as well.

So that's the fifth and the sixth currency we have. If we then continue with the last two currencies. Latency and reliability. So on the latency side, today in the mobile networks we can at the best 4G network in the world, you get to 1 hundred milliseconds to -- 100 milliseconds to 50 milliseconds in 4G we should -- in 5G we should come down to very low like 10 milliseconds. Why is that important? 

Everything real-time on VR, AR needs to come down between 20 milliseconds in order not to create nausea and actual delays. And there's so many other use cases you can do, as well. But I was thinking of inviting somebody that actually has an industrial use case for it. And that would help the -- that would be the health industry. I'm very happy to invite to the stage Dr. Chris Morley which is a co-founder that will talk about 5G and what they are doing with it so please welcome Chris on the stage. (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: Welcome, Chris. Take it away.

CHRIS MORLEY: Thank you. Healthcare when you think about it is really about connectivity. 

You have the basic human connectivity that exists between the patient and the caregiver, the healer and the healed as all that's recorded in human -- as old as human history and probably much older than that but another connectivity woven into the fabric of modern healthcare that's the connection between the caregiver and the body of information needed to provide excellent and personalized care. That drove of healthcare data is unimaginably vast constantly changing yet absolutely vital to the delivery of effective care through much of human history. This knowledge was passed down by oral tradition eventually recorded on scrolls and in books and in medical journals. In recent decades of course we've been storing this information digitally adapting our technologies to radically improve our access to health information so when you get down to it the practice of medicine depends on how we handle these two forms of connectivity. Our human connection with the patient. And our cognitive connection to the data we need to do our absolute best for everyone we care for. 

I am here to talk with you about a truly novel way in which 5G and augmented reality are poised to make a valuable contribution on both of these levels of Healthcare Connectivity. I'm Christopher Morley I'm a physician. Specifically a radiologist. My clinical responsibilities cover the full stack of medical imaging. MRI physics to diagnostic interpretations to image guided procedures. I chose radiology because of it's pervasive influence on patient care across every other subspecialty in medicine I love the beauty of the data. I have great respect for the subtleties that exist when appreciated with an exceptionally skilled eye can genuinely save your life. It happens every single day. Those are the stories we like to tell. But of course medicine and surgery remain the youngest sciences. They consistently humble even the most competent practitioners. Over the years I've witnessed innumerable failures and misfires. Some of these were due to human error. My own included. Others were the results of systemic shortcomings. Some of which were ultimately devastating. Most of these were absolutely preventable. Absolutely preventible. These are the stories that should be told. 

5G is an open invitation not simply to change how we do certain things but to fundamentally rethink how to do all of it. This includes the connection between patient and caregiver. While some new technologies are pushing patients and providers further apart, 5G represents an enormous coming together. And in healthcare, bringing pieces together, making things simpler, is one and the same with making them safer. The truth is that many routine procedures done at the bedside and in the operating room are performed the same way they were three decades ago. Blindly.

Take this case as an example.

Among the most commonly performed neurosurgical procedures is the free hand ventriclostomy to decrease intracranial pressure that involves placing a catheter into the skin and consult into the brain. The standard approach for placement is by eyeballing a few facial landmarks and going for it. There's no consideration for the immense variation among individual patients as to the precise location of certain vessels and structures beneath the brain or inside the brain itself. 

Unsurprisingly this results in a 40% catheter misplacement rate and a 20% major complication rate. Here you can see an example of what happens when we don't get things exactly right. This hyperdense material represents excess bleeding immediately following the catheter placement. This kind of error rate is completely unacceptable and just a -- completely unacceptable, and just a microcosm about how unexact this science is the way we perform many of these invasive procedures and burden of illness associated with doing them has remained unchanged for decades. With seemingly insolvable problems like this we should take a step back and start asking different questions.

In this case we can ask why are so many procedures still performed so blindly, especially when nearly all patients undergoing invasive procedures have a detailed map of their personal anatomy just sitting latently in the computer in the form of CT or MRI scan. Unfortunately as it turns out given the size and setup required to use traditional systems this preoperative imaging is rarely utilized to its full potential until recently these datasets have been trapped within flat 2D monitors static 3D printed molds or restrictive virtual reality headsets. As a result the entire profession has been falling short on both of these levels of healthcare connectivity.

In many cases the practitioner must actually face away from his or her patient towards a screen rather than towards the human being that professional is taking care of. This is a fundamental and very common impairment of the ancient bond between patient and healer. It's also hindering our cognitive connectivity when we're unable to turn patient data into actionable insights at the point of care when it's needed most.

About two years I co-founded a medical technology called named Medevis along with a colleague Osama who I met while finishing residency in New York City. The mission of our company is to leverage Emerging technologies, principly augmented reality computer vision and machine learning to bring fuller connectivity to the practice of medicine by advancing this idea of portable easy to use surgical navigation. The goal is to bring these technologies together. To unfold complexity. And reduce uncertainty in surgery.

We do this by rethinking how medical imaging can be best utilized throughout all action stages of the surgical decision making process. Let me show you what I mean. These videos are real recorded directly through the HoloLens display in real-time this clip shows three consecutive brain tumor removal cases.

This enhancing lesion is a recurrent glioma a kind of tumor that occurs in the brain and spinal cord tools like this allow surgeons to precisely plan where to make an incision and determine how about the craniotomy or how big the hole needs to be in the skull we can see all of the landmarks or vessels to be mindful of tools like this close the literal and gaps to maximize the full potential of data in surgical settings. They remove assumptions and allow us to be far more deliberate and confident in every decision we make. Now we can go even further by layering on machine learning and directly interfacing with medical devices.

The exciting part about all of this is that it's just beginning. The potential of 5G connectivity and augmented reality throughout healthcare is truly limitless. It will enable immersive collaboration between doctors and patients both face-to-face and in remote locations. It will fundamentally transform how we train our students, the future caregivers. It will raise the bar of the entire profession. Making it far more integrated and personalized. Innovations like this have been a long time coming.

This idea of harnessing mixed reality to transform surgical visualization is not new. Its origins go back to medical journals in the early 1960s when researchers first started predicting that some day it would be possible to holographically overlay medical imaging data directly onto patients to essentially render them see-through during a procedure. Well, it's taken about 60 years for the technology to catch up to that vision but we're finally standing at the edge and this is just an inspiring glimpse at what's possible in a 5G connected healthcare. Thank you very much. (Applause)

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you, Chris. That touches everyone. We understand why latency and reliability is important in the network when you see that happening. And it's just amazing. And this again coming back to how you can innovate on these type of things, which is just so dramatic and different how you can do things in a previous cycle that we are seeing on technology cycles. We have talked a lot about things that are going to happen in the future. And -- but it's also happening quite a lot already right now. And I actually want to call a friend right now to talk to. And I'm calling Houston to see if there's somebody answering in Houston. Hello. Houston. I'm going to see somebody coming up here.

CLAYTON: Hey Hans nice to see you again.

HANS VESTBERG: Where are you? Oh, there are you are.

CLAYTON: Hey. I'm here. Nice to see you again.

HANS VESTBERG: Hey Clayton how are you doing? I'm here with a couple of friends.

CLAYTON: Doing well, how are you?

HANS VESTBERG: I'm here with a couple of friends, we're talking about 5G. I thought about talking to you about 5G. Clayton is the first 5G customer in the world to have 5G. (Applause).

HANS VESTBERG: Hey, Clayton. So Clayton got 5G home first in the world in Houston.  And Clayton, tell us why did you sign up so early? Tell us the story.

CLAYTON: Sure. So you know, I wasn't terribly thrilled with my current Internet service. And found out that it was going to be available in my neighborhood. Kind of a tech savvy user, I've got smart home devices and stream just about every video I watch and casual gaming. But also I work from home. So reliability is pretty important to me for my connection because I depend on that connection for my livelihood so it was really important to me. And after some deliberation and looking at it and what it offered it ended up looking like the best option for me so I went ahead and signed up and lucked out to be the first one on 5G.

HANS VESTBERG: You didn't expect that because I was there the first day when we installed it. And I was not alone in your home. We saw truck loads of people there. Journalists. The Mayor was there. You know, everyone came to your home. (Chuckles).

I did try to do the install -- I did try to do the installation but it was other people doing it how was it the day you got the installation it was pretty crazy out there.

CLAYTON: It was a little crazy. A lot of people at my house and it's not every day that the CEO of a large company comes to visit my house, the Mayor and everything else. It was interesting. But otherwise, the install process went really smooth. The technicians really went the extra mile to make sure I got everything I needed out of it -- got everything I needed it and all of my devices came back up and everything was working smooth and really made sure it was a great experience and a great install overall.

HANS VESTBERG: How is the experience right now? How is the performance of the 5G home that you now have had for a couple of months at least?

CLAYTON: Yeah, so it's very fast. I've actually got a speed test behind me here that we can run to show you.


CLAYTON: I'll go ahead and get it started but normally I see 600 to a gigabit speed-wise. Sometimes it's 1.2, 1.3 gigabits per second I think my high score -- or your high score is 1.6.

HANS VESTBERG: It's my high score.

CLAYTON: It's definitely fast, faster than I thought it would be.

HANS VESTBERG: So it's pumping up the speed here just to see what speeds we have. And how much things do you have connected on there?

CLAYTON: O, gosh I've got security cameras and thermostats etc -- lots of smart devices -- smart devices, Z-wave switches my house is pretty connected probably 20 or 30 devices all said and done.

HANS VESTBERG: You have a fairly low scoring 690 might go ga bits per second. Are you happy with that -- megabits per second?

CLAYTON: That's the lower end the bottom of the range but that's about what you get. It's plenty. Certainly exceeds your bandwidth expectations.

HANS VESTBERG: Thank you, Clayton. Thank you for tuning in to talk to my friends here in Las Vegas. Thank you, Clayton. (Applause)

CLAYTON: Yeah, thank you.

HANS VESTBERG: We have been working with 5G for over three, four years. And this was of course the first service we launched that was the 5G home where we're actually enabling home connectivity through wireless. We are doing it with millimeter wave. Ultimately we see this as a self-install bring it home yourself and actually connecting up. Very different way of thinking. Getting home Broadband. And so far we have launched in four cities. We're going to launch more cities this year. And we're going to come up with new types of equipment to really make this experience to be great. So this is something we believe heavily in. What 5G can do.

But not only that, we already have committed that the first half of 2019 we have two SmartPhones coming up we have the Motorola Z 3 that is a mod that's going to come in the first half but we also have a great Samsung phone that's not been revealed yet. It's going to come in the first half as well so we're going to have things actually start happening already right now.

Another thing we can think about, why -- before we round up is of course there's a lot of use cases you can think about when you have these eight currencies. When we talk about latency, one thing that for me is important is sort of virtual reality, et cetera. And I actually have some friends in Los Angeles that's going to join us. And they are going to do some great stuff. It's with our partner in NBA. We're a technology partner in NBA. You're going to see on the screen here Kyle. You might know who he is. He's pretty good at basketball together with our -- Jared Quay. Please guys what are we doing over there in Los Angeles? 

JARED: Hey, thanks, Hans. What's good, Vegas? (Applause)

JARED: I hope you guys are enjoying CES. I bet you're all cruising down the strip and driving -- self-driving cars. I'm with Yahoo Sports I'm in LA with Los Angeles Lakers star Kyle. We'll show you how good Verizon’s 5G network is.

KYLE: I'm down.

JARED: It's streaming with lightning speed using the power of Verizon's 5G network then back to your Goggles so fast it looks like you're seeing with your own eyes literally that fast how do they feel.

KYLE: They feel great this is pretty much revolutionary. I feel like I'm looking at you with no goggles on honestly.

JARED: You're in the future bro. We showed off cool tech and gave King fans the chance to enhance their experience. NBA is working with these goggles to bring to the game but now more fun. We're going to play Popping Off, a video series from Yahoo Sports. you have 30 seconds to sink as many buckets as you can while you do it I'll throw rapid fire questions at you just so you know you're up about against some of the biggest names. You'll be up there. But remember you'll be the first person to compete without your naked eye because you're going to be testing the high speed low latency of 5G technology. So what do you think you'll end up with? 

KYLE: I can get Knoxville. Pretty easy.

JARED: At least two.

KYLE: At least Shaq let's go to the top.

JARED: Go for Reggie. Get yourself 5Ged up the clock won't start until you do the first one we'll go for Reggie.

KYLE: Oh let me get warm.

JARED: All right.

KYLE: Oh, hold on. Oh.

JARED: Okay. Got it get all of the misses early there we go. What’s your New Year's res -- what is your New Year's resolution.

KYLE: To keep a steady diet.

JARED: That should be everybody's. Who replies better LeBron or Lorenzo?

KYLE: LeBron.

JARED: Who is best at fortnight.

KYLE: Josh.

JARED: Who’s the fortnight player who is 2G.

KYLE: I'm not good at all at fortnight. I stick to basketball.

JARED: What do you think LeBron's WiFi password is?

KYLE: Something like King me.

JARED: In all caps.  62. 10 more seconds. We already beat half the board catch Reggie Miller get 10 more seconds in overtime.

JARED: Here we go. Who is the best shooter on the Lakers?


JARED: Which one on your teammates is on social media the most.

KYLE: Josh Hart or me.

JARED: Okay. What's your favorite tattoo?

KYLE: 86.

JARED: One more round. We can beat Reggie at 118 with the goggles. This is crazy.

JARED: Which one of your teammates is the best defender?

KYLE: Josh Hart I'm saying his name a lot I don't know why though.

JARED: Who will win the Super Bowl.

KYLE: Go with the Rams, LA strong.

JARED: What's the best thing about being a Laker.

JARED: BINGO. 119 you have a new record and you did it with the power of 5G goggles. How did it feel?

KYLE: I felt like I just didn't have no goggles on honestly. It's just so clear to me.

JARED: That's what we got. How soon are we going to see you in the game, when are we going to get you with this actually hitting a game.

JARED: With Verizon you never know. It might be a year or two. You never know.

KYLE: It might happen at the end of the season let's get to finals.

JARED: See in you in finals. Great kicking it with you Kyle and actually we'll be seeing a lot more this season we're excited to announce that Yahoo Sports and NBA are working together on a new nightly digital first digital series called the Bounce starting January 21st. you can find it on the Yahoo Sports app. I am Jared this is Kyle and this is popping off 5G style. Hans don't have too much fun in Vegas without us. (Applause)

HANS VESTBERG: Hey, we're having a lot of fun with 5G as well and as you heard we'll launch a new NBA sports show here called Bounce at the beginning of this year. So it's all great. Now we have talked quite a lot about the eight currencies. But we're going to build the network. We're going to do the platform. But we need innovation from all across the world. What we really are going to invite you to is to be part of that pioneering. We are actually launching a challenge. To bring the eight currencies to you where you can be part of that. Go to Verizon.com/BuiltOn5Gchallenge and actually be part of it. We're going to expose to you the eight currencies. And you can start innovating.

We can give you up to $1 million of seed money if you have a good idea. And you can also work inside our 5G lab where you can sit and work there. We have four 5G labs so far.

We're going to have more. So if you really want to start taking part in 5G, then you go on to the Verizon.com and the Built on 5G Challenge because that's where you can start getting do of all of these currencies I've talked about and you're going to innovate. That's very important. I invite anyone to be there. And again, it's a great opportunity to be part of pioneering 5G.


HANS VESTBERG: Woo! Woo! So let me round this up. If you leave this room, hopefully you will remember one thing, 5G is a quantum leap compared to 4G. It has eight different currencies that you can build services on. You can do any discussion, hocus pocus, 5G. The real 5G how it was designed is to bring out the eight currencies. We have been building that for years with fiber in the ground to all of our base stations then supplied the network, building real estate that can do mobile edge compute and of course seeing that we have the right spectrum to do it. Both in millimeter wave and other spectrum. So this is really what it's all about. To build the best 5G network, which we are committed to do, but we need partners in all of the industries by consumers by businesses and society. I would like to thank you very much for listening to my favorite topic together, which is 5G. Thank you very much for being here. (Applause) [Music]


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