Mystery of the Life-Saving Good Samaritan Solved

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You are sitting in your truck, eating lunch, shaded from the hot July Florida sun when you hear an awful crash not far from you. 

What do you do?

If you are Verizon fiber technician Troy Hamrick, you run to the scene to see what has happened and to offer help if you can.  In this case, Hamrick did more than offer assistance – his quick thinking and action saved a life.

"Part of our Credo says that we run to a crisis, not away,” -- Jeanmarie Milla, Verizon Florida region president

Lois and Ed Guerin, both in their early 80s, knew someone ran from a truck to help them on that day but never got the name of the man nor knew anything about him.  They wanted to meet and thank him.  Yesterday, after three months, their wishes were met as they were reunited with Hamrick during a BBQ lunch event at the Ruskin, Florida Verizon work center.

The Guerins crossed U.S. Highway 301 in their golf cart on that day returning from the grocery store and entered the cart path to head home.  The Guerins lost control of the cart and hit a pole along the path with enough force to throw them both from the cart.  Ed was badly cut on his leg, eventually requiring 54 stitches to close the wound, and Lois also suffered a significant gash in her arm, a broken knee cap and a concussion.

Troy, a 16-year Verizon employee with a perfect safety record, used one of his extra shirts on the truck to tie off Ed’s wound and a roll of “easy wrap” – described as “Saran™ Wrap on steroids” by Verizon technicians – to cover and close the wound.  He also gave medical attention to Lois and made her comfortable.  EMTs from Tampa General credited Troy with saving Ed’s life.

In fact, regarding the easy wrap bandage, one EMT said, “I couldn’t have done it better.”

Both Guerins were transported to Tampa General Hospital.

In addition to reuniting the trio from that fateful day at the lunch event, the BBQ was held to recognize the exemplary safety record of the team at the Ruskin work center.  As a part of that team, Troy has had 138 consecutive weeks free of safety incidents.

For this and his heroic efforts, Hamrick was also awarded the Florida Region President’s Pin by Jeanmarie Milla, Verizon’s Florida region president.
“Part of our Credo says that we run to a crisis, not away,” Jeanmarie said.  “I know any of our techs would have done the same thing – it just happened to be Troy on that day who reacted so quickly and effectively.”

To that, Lois, standing by as the award was presented said, “Well, we are certainly glad he did!”

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