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At the New England Homes for the Deaf in Danvers, Massachusetts, videophones are communications lifelines for residents and staff. The facility—the only one of its kind in the Northeast—cares for senior citizens who are deaf, deaf-blind and hard of hearing. While residents rely on videophones for staying in touch with loved ones, staff members use videophones and Internet-connected devices day and night to run the facility.

The simultaneous use of multiple connected devices required exceptionally fast Internet speed and robust bandwidth, which the facility’s Internet service provider was unable to support. As a result, these critical lines of communication for staff and residents were often interrupted or unavailable.

“We couldn’t make more than one call at a time, and we were having difficulty with incoming calls"

“We couldn’t make more than one call at a time, and we were having difficulty with incoming calls,” says Steve Sacco, chairman of the technology committee for New England Homes for the Deaf.

To overcome these issues, the facility turned to Verizon to deliver the required bandwidth and Internet speed its residents and staffers urgently needed.

The Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities helped install FiOS® Internet, a powerful broadband solution that overcame speed and bandwidth challenges previously experienced by the facility.

Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities

Established in New England 11 years ago, the Verizon Center for Customers with Disabilities provides communications options for people who are deaf or have a hearing, vision, cognitive, speech or mobility disability. Two national service centers are devoted exclusively to customers with disabilities.

Representatives recommend solutions that involve basic and optional telephone services, directory assistance exemptions and discounts for customers who use text telephones. They also arrange for customer phone bills in large print or Braille.

Verizon representatives also possess expertise in a full range of adaptive equipment, including amplified telephones, videophones and teletypewriters. Products and services are packaged to provide the greatest value to the customer—whether the customer is an individual with a disability (or a family member), an educational institution or a care facility.

Serving disabled communities

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, nearly 1 in 5 Americans is living with a disability. Verizon has an unwavering commitment to serving the disabled community. We believe in building technology solutions for every customer’s unique needs, whether that’s providing the bandwidth to enable seamless video calling or creating a smart home that allows the customer to control doors, lights and thermostats from his smartphone.

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