3 pieces of advice for the aspiring female engineer in your life

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As the lifeblood of future economic growth and innovation, women should be celebrated for inspiring us on a daily basis. For the next week, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.

Through articles, videos, social and multimedia content, we will be showcasing how women are mothers, mentors, leaders, influencers, and powerful agents of change at Verizon and in the technology world.

Our resident engineering wonder woman, Nicola (Nicki) Palmer, senior vice president and chief network officer for Verizon Wireless, spoke to several thousand women about the importance of creating a pipeline of talented women in STEM (science, technology, engineer and math) at the Society of Women Engineers 2015 conference.

Nicki shared experiences from her 25 years as an engineer at Verizon, the challenges she’s encountered along the way, and how she’s persevered in the face of adversity.

At the conclusion of her keynote, Nicki shared 3 pieces of advice:

  1. “Acquire strong role models and mentors at every stage of your career – nurture those relationships. The things that you will learn from those who have already been in the trenches will prove invaluable to your long-term growth and professional satisfaction. Trust the people that have your best interests at heart.”
  2. “Muster-up as much courage as you possibly can and don’t be afraid to lead, even if you are in a room full of men. Your mind is just as sharp, your insights are just as valuable.  Don’t squander your unique talents.  Fear is the enemy here.  Success breeds success and failure enables learning.  Being fearful, doing nothing, not speaking up and leading when you are in the position to do so – that gets you nowhere.”
  3. “Remember that life is precious. The most successful women that I know are multifaceted individuals. They’re engineers, and mothers, and wives, teachers, and helpers, and soccer fans and community members. Their passion stretches far beyond the work that they do and seeps into every aspect of their lives.”

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