How tech helped a 5-year-old who fell asleep on the school bus

By: Molly McGinn

When 5-year-old Tiffany Ellis didn’t show up at school, her mom turned to tech to help find her.

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Gizmo Watch 3

There are times when technology can help us track down those dearest to us.

Take five-year old Tiffany Ellis. One day, her mom, Tia, trusted her intuition and re-checked the Gizmo Watch 3 app on her phone to see if Tiffany made it to school, and realized she was in another county. Then Tia called the school to inform them she wasn’t there. “Literally, my body did not know how to respond,” she says in her interview with local news.

Her aunt had the presence of mind to call Tiffany on her Gizmo Watch—and Tiffany answered.

“It’s okay. I’m on the bus,” Tiffany said. She had fallen asleep, and the school bus driver hadn’t checked to make sure all the kids got off the bus at school. As a result, although Tiffany was safe, she ended up riding the bus into another county.

Watch now: Tiffany sharing her story with Verizon.

It’s not just lunch boxes and backpacks anymore: Here’s why kids need GPS for the school commute.

In the US, nearly 10 million elementary and middle school students ride the bus to school every day. And for kids who are too young for a smartphone but old enough to walk or share a ride to school, parents might be searching for solutions that can help them monitor their location in near real-time.

That’s where devices like Verizon’s Gizmo Watch can help. It offers GPS monitoring and emergency calling features to help notify parents when their kids get to and from school—all from one app on their phones.

The GPS technology on Tiffany’s Gizmo Watch 3 gave Tia real-time updates on Tiffany’s location. And because the watch is child-friendly, it was easy for Tiffany to answer when her aunt called. Her aunt was even able to talk to the bus driver through the Gizmo Watch 3 to get Tiffany back home.

Simple tech for kids, essential safety features for parents.

A smartwatch can be a great stepping stone for kids who are exploring their independence but who aren’t quite ready for a smartphone. Tech like the Gizmo Watch 3 can offer peace of mind when parents want to check in with their kids—or when their kids want to check in with them. Features like real-time GPS monitoring updates and geo-fencing can help parents stay aware of where and when the child is at a particular location. This could prove very useful in a scenario like Tia and Tiffany’s.

Here are some key safety features that are built into the Gizmo Watch 3 that can help kids and parents stay connected on the commute to school:

Safe zones. Parents can create a geo-fence or a predefined zone—like a neighborhood or a kid’s school—using the GizmoHub app. When a child enters or exits the zone, parents get notified directly on their phone.

Real-time location monitoring. With GPS monitoring, parents can know their child’s location without needing to call or text.

Two-way calling and messaging for up to 20 contacts. A parent or caregiver can list up to 20 approved contacts, which lets kids exchange voice, text and video messages with trusted adults and friends. There’s also a speech-to-text feature for kids who may struggle with typing.

SOS calling. If a child selects and holds the SOS button on the watch, it will call the emergency contact listed in the child’s watch.

Long battery life. When fully charged as directed, the Gizmo Watch 3 can last up to 3.6 days on standby (minimal usage).

Auto-answer after 10 seconds. The Gizmo Watch 3 automatically answers a call after 10 seconds.

It’s a reality that many parents face: Even a normal day can take a sudden, unsettling turn. As more parents seek ways to balance their children’s independence with their safety, devices like these can be an important part of family tech.

Get the tech designed with your family’s safety in mind—the Gizmo Watch 3.

About the author:

Molly is an award-winning tech and child development writer for Parenting in the Digital World.


The author has been compensated by Verizon for this article.

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