Do you like to stay on top of the latest tech? There's so much out there to help you stay healthy, entertain, and even set you up at home. Here are five tips on how the latest tech gear can fit into your life.
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Five Ways Tech Helps Healthy Lifestyles
(Video Length- 2:29 )
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Five Ways Tech Helps Healthy Lifestyles (2:29)
Five Ways Tech Helps Healthy Lifestyles
We get down to basics here. Kettle bell swings. Flipping tires.
But even though a workout-of-the-day isn't high-tech, I stay on top of the latest and greatest devices and gadgets to use in the gym or the great outdoors.
So I'm gonna take a breather and share five ways I've seen tech gear from Verizon help with healthy activities.
#1.. A smartwatch makes it easy to control your workout and stay connected.
Sync your phone with a compatible smartwatch and your productivity will go insane.
Verizon makes it super easy to add a line on the cheap to get your smartwatch up and running.
A lot of them have heart rate monitors. You can see all your alerts and texts without pulling out your phone. Skip a song if you're not feeling the track that's playing.
That last one's big, because the right playlist can keep you pushing through reps when you're spent.
If you want to share those tunes with a whole group, step up your game with tip #2.
Grab some Bluetooth® speakers to keep the energy up.
We take turns here controlling the Bluetooth speakers right from our phones. And we all get one veto a week in case someone gets on a disco kick.
Oh, and most of them come in different colors so they'll sound good and look good.
I bring 'em to the park. The beach. And when I do, I bring something else along...
Portable chargers. They're a must-have for anyone that's constantly on the move.
Some of these chargers are battery packs that can charge a couple of devices at once.
Or you can find smaller ones you just set your phone on to get powered up. Whatever works better for you.
But if you're looking for some tech help with a specific part of your health, the options are endless.
Verizon has loads of cool sports and fitness gadgets.
I'm talking wireless blood pressure monitors, activity trackers, and accessory bands to keep all kinds of devices safe and secure.
Speaking of safety, I definitely recommend getting a phone case if you haven't already.
I don't know what these things are made of, but they're tough.
With that little extra protection, your phone can take the dirt, dust and bumps you throw at it.
And while you're out there living life to the fullest, you want to make sure everything is all good at home, right?
With the latest home tech, you won't have to worry about taking off for another adventure.
I'm actually gone a lot running marathons all over the country.
So I added an outdoor camera that sends me alerts when it catches anything moving. Oh, and a video doorbell that lets me talk to anybody that comes to the door. I told you I stayed on top of this tech stuff.
Click below to get today's hottest technology, download the My Verizon App to manage everything, and you'll be getting more out of life all day, everyday.