Independent, effective and
diverse board leadership
Verizon is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. It is an essential component of our long-term success and the cornerstone of trust between our company and society. Our corporate governance policies and practices are well-aligned with the Investor Stewardship Group's corporate governance principles.
We believe that good governance starts with independent, effective and diverse board leadership and that we are more likely to achieve sustainable shareholder value when our board has the right mix of skills, expertise and tenure.
We invite you to learn more about our board and our corporate governance policies and practices by exploring this website.
We believe a board with a diverse set of viewpoints, backgrounds and expertise is best positioned to provide broad perspectives to our management team as it assesses the challenges and opportunities impacting our business.
Board oversight is carried out through our four standing committees: Audit, Corporate Governance and Policy, Finance and Human Resources.
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